
Tag: socialism

Socialist Spotlight: Fred Hampton

The quintessential coalition-builder, Fred Hampton advocated on behalf of the working class as a revolutionary socialist. His fight against racial capitalist structures remains relevant today, as does his murder at the hands of the state.

Socialist Spotlight: James Baldwin

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." - James Baldwin

Socialist Spotlight: Angela Davis

Angela Davis is a feminist, Marxist, abolitionist, and a pivotal figure in the Black liberation movement.
May 22, 2020 | Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup, Vol. 4

Did you hear it's Friday? That means it's time for LVDSA's Weekly Roundup! Take a peek at we're reading, thinking, and planning this week!
May 15, 2020 | Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup, Vol. 3

Happy Friday, comrades! It's that time again. Get the weekend started with LVDSA's Weekly Roundup. Let's catch up with what we're reading, thinking, and planning this week:
April 30, 2020 | Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup, Vol. 1

Catch up with LVDSA after a long week. Grab a drink, get comfy, and check out what we've been reading, thinking, and planning.