
Category: Call to Action

July 19, 2024 | Call to Action

Tell Susie Lee: Stop the Genocide!

Join DSA as we stand with the Palestinian people and we fight against our local representative’s support for genocide in Palestine by joining our letter campaign to Susie Lee. Together we will demand that Suzie review her past support for Zionism and current ongoing support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people.
October 1, 2020 | Call to Action

Drivers Needed!

LVDSA's Mutual Aid Network is looking for additional drivers to help us make deliveries. Are you available either Mondays or Wednesdays from 8am - 10am?
September 25, 2020 | Call to Action

🚨 URGENT: LVDSA is looking for testimonials from working families 🗣

Las Vegas DSA has obtained a meeting with Councilwoman Michelle Fiore on Tuesday to discuss how to support working families during this time.
August 5, 2020 | Call to Action

Fight for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal: Phase 2

Guiding Principle #7 for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal: Redistribute resources from the worst polluters
August 1, 2020 | Call to Action

Demand LVCVA Support Working Families

We will continue calling on LVCVA to partner with the school district, gaming, hospitality, and others to ensure the workforce is supported and its children safely and equitably educated.
July 30, 2020 | Call to Action

Tell the Legislature: Repeal SB242 to Hold Police Accountable

The global pandemic and rise of the Black Lives Matter movement has created a watershed moment for change. Thousands of Nevadans have taken to the streets to demand an end to racist policing and police violence. Legislators must rise to the occasion during the second special session and act to hold police accountable.
July 29, 2020 | Call to Action

Clark County Questionnaire: Vision and Values

Clark County has begun drafting a new master plan, which is the guiding document the County uses when making planning and development decisions. Let's get some socialist perspectives into the county for this new master plan for our communities!
July 23, 2020 | Call to Action

DSA CALL-IN DAY: Tell Congress to Save USPS!

Did you know the postal service is the most beloved federal agency? We ♥️ postal workers and the vital service they provide, especially during a pandemic.
July 19, 2020 | Call to Action

Fight for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal!

Reinvent our communities to serve people and planet, not profit.
July 16, 2020 | Call to Action

Restaurant Workers Call on Congress: Save Our Federal Unemployment Benefits!

The restaurant industry employs millions across the United States and is in unique danger from COVID-19 and the economic crisis.

PETITION: Tell Nevada Lawmakers to Divest from LVMPD

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is immensely overfunded. Their budget of over $655 million is astronomical for a city of our size.
July 13, 2020 | Call to Action

URGENT: Tell the LVCVA to Support Our Workers

The Las Vegas DSA Labor Committee has identified a crucially important issue we need your help with!