
January 5, 2022 | Press Release

Statement on the US Military Poisoning Hawai‘i’s Drinking Water

Las Vegas DSA condemns the United States Navy’s poisoning of the O‘ahu drinking water aquifer amidst the ongoing military occupation of the Hawai‘i Islands.
December 9, 2021 | Press Release

Statement on Mi Familia Vota’s Mistreatment of Workers

We are appalled to learn the details of Mi Familia Vota CEO Hector Sanchez Barba’s decision to fire two members of the Nevada staff.
November 21, 2021 | Article

The Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Teslas in Tunnels

Teslas in Tunnels do nothing more than facilitate the flow of capital.
November 13, 2021 | Statement

An open letter to the National Political Committee

Las Vegas DSA’s Steering Committee calls on the National Political Committee to demonstrate a commitment to our organization’s values by standing in solidarity with Palestinians and expelling Representative Jamaal Bowman from DSA. 
September 8, 2021 | Press Release

Las Vegas DSA Condemns Clark County School Reopening Procedures And CCSD Leadership

Las Vegas Democratic Socialists of America stands with the Clark County Staff Organization (CCSO), the organizing and representation staff union of the Clark County Education Association (CCEA), in condemning this school year’s reopening and CCSD leadership’s inability to keep teachers and students safe.
May 26, 2021 | Article

The United States Needs More Than Just Higher Refugee Caps; It Needs To Overhaul Refugee Resettlement Itself

Making the resettlement process actually humanitarian requires not only massively expanding the support infrastructure for refugees, but also abolition of the anti-Black caste system in America.
April 7, 2021 | Local Issues

Yes, Tax the Mines: Nevadan Lives Depend on It

Since the founding of Nevada, the mines have capitalized, giving back little in reparations to the people of the state they exploit. They prey on the land with little regard to the impact on Indigenous communities and the environment, stuffing their pockets while public services go underfunded
April 5, 2021 | Article

We Defeat Fascism with Black and Indigenous Liberation

This country is a settler-colonial state — an ongoing, over 400-year project focused on subjugating Black and Indigenous people as a means to extract profit. The only way forward is to dismantle the racist, imperialist police state.