Tag: democratic socialism
May 22, 2020 |
Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundup, Vol. 4
Did you hear it's Friday? That means it's time for LVDSA's Weekly Roundup! Take a peek at we're reading, thinking, and planning this week!
May 15, 2020 |
Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundup, Vol. 3
Happy Friday, comrades! It's that time again. Get the weekend started with LVDSA's Weekly Roundup. Let's catch up with what we're reading, thinking, and planning this week:
May 8, 2020 |
Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundup, Vol. 2
We've made it through another week! Start the weekend off right with LVDSA's Weekly Roundup. Settle in and catch up with what we're reading, thinking, and planning!