Each year at our annual convention, LVDSA members choose strategic campaigns to prioritize its time and chapter resources for the upcoming year in order to further the mission of LVDSA.
2024-2025 Campaigns
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign
Las Vegas DSA will promote the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, using guidance from the Palestinian BDS National Committee. This campaign will have three areas of focus: legislative pressure, public education, and union support.

LVDSA 500 Campaign
DSA seeks to build a mass movement of the working class in order to win power away from capitalists and bring about a truly democratic, socialist society. The organization’s capacity to achieve this goal is directly tied to our ability to recruit and retain members. As such, the chapter has set a goal to have at least 500 members in good standing by the end of the term by actively recruiting new members and renewing expired members.
2023-2024 Campaigns

Val Thomason for AD10
With our recent vote to endorse Val Thomason, her campaign now becomes one of our top priorities. As an LVDSA-endorsed candidate, we will do all we can to help Val get elected and bring democratic socialist values to the state legislature. This includes canvassing, phone banking, promoting her platform, etc.
Val is a former steering committee member with Las Vegas DSA, a Clark County Dems Board member from 2021-2023, Organizer for Bernie 2016 & 2020, and now works for the Teamsters union. She was born in Nevada, graduated from CSN, and has one 6 year old son.

Strike Ready
All 340,000 non-management UPS workers are covered by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) and UPS Teamster members have been organizing escalating contract actions across the country as the contract fight heats up, and will need community support as they get closer to the August 1 deadline. Locally, Culinary Union 226 will be negotiating citywide contracts with major casinos and resorts for tens of thousands of workers over the coming months. If they strike, they will need the whole labor movement behind them to show that when we fight, we win.
2022-2023 Campaigns

Nevada State Legislative Campaign
The Nevada State Legislative Campaign will promote legislative policies and bills that further Democratic Socialist values and goals, including but not limited to: labor organization, universal childcare, higher wages, affordable housing, healthcare, and stipend increases and unionization efforts for Graduate Assistants (GAs) at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).

Cultivating Desert Power: Water Conservation Priority Campaign
Cultivating Desert Power: Water Conservation will have a primary goal of lobbying the Clark County Commission to change the Las Vegas Valley Water District’s fee structure to be a true progressive fee structure to discourage heavy water users, and to reassign the proceeds of the existing sales tax water fee subsidy to increase affordable housing in Clark County.

Abolitionist and Community Safety Campaign
The Abolitionist and Community Safety Campaign will not accept reforms that reinforce the state’s or prison-industrial complex powers, will actively oppose any increase in law enforcement spending in state, county, or local budgets, and will call for allocating law enforcement funds to alternatives that actually assist people and promote community safety, such as housing initiatives and community services.
2021-2022 Campaigns

Electoral Priority Campaign
The Electoral Priority Campaign researches electoral races, including municipal, county, state, and federal, that will take place in 2022 and actively seeks candidates, based upon the findings of viable jurisdictions.

Housing Justice Priority Campaign
The Housing Justice Priority Campaign fights for equitable housing and tenant rights in the Las Vegas area by building tenant power.

Mutual & Community Aid Priority Campaign
The Mutual & Community Aid Priority Campaign aims to address some of the damages that capitalism has inflicted on all of us by reinforcing the value of solidarity, selflessness, and comradery, especially among those with shared struggle.