The Palestine Solidarity Working Group focuses on demonstrating our solidarity with the Palestinian resistance movement by providing resources for the education of the local working class to put pressure on their political, economic and cultural leaders to end the support for Israeli occupation and oppression of Palestine and its people respectively.

Palestine Solidarity Working Group
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September 23, 2024 |
Call to Action
Demand Nevada Senators Support Senator Bernie Sanders’ Resolution to block $20 Billion in US arm sales to Israel
Senator Bernie Sanders is introducing legislation to stop a $20 Billion weapons transfer to Israel. Join us in demanding our senators, Jackie Rosen and Catherine Cortez Masto vote in support of the legislation. Sen. Rosen to date has received over $1.3 million in AIPAC bribes and is currently up for reelection. Cortez Masto to date has received over $598,000 in AIPAC bribes and is up for reelection in 2028. Nevada voters will commit to withholding their votes from these senators if they continue to legislate against the will of their constituents.
September 6, 2024 |
Chapter News
Las Vegas DSA passes Resolution For an Anti-Zionist LVDSA in Both Principle and Practice
At September 2024's General Body Meeting, Las Vegas DSA passed a Resolution For an Anti-Zionist Las Vegas DSA in both Principle and Practice.
July 19, 2024 |
Call to Action
Tell Susie Lee: Stop the Genocide!
Join DSA as we stand with the Palestinian people and we fight against our local representative’s support for genocide in Palestine by joining our letter campaign to Susie Lee. Together we will demand that Suzie review her past support for Zionism and current ongoing support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people.