Agenda link:
Date: Feb 18th, 2021
Facilitator: Kara H.
Secretary: Ash M.
Location: Zoom
Call to Order (6:35 PM)
- Community guidelines, Robert’s Rules overview, Zoom etiquette, membership & voting
- Went over community guidelines. – Kara H.
- Adoption of the agenda & approval of previous (January 21st, 2021) minutes
- Both motions passed. – Ash M.
- Welcome to DSA & Member Survey
- Please fill this out! Went over resolution guidelines. – Kara H.
- NEJC resolution – Resolution passed.
- Join NEJC. Coalition of a dozen groups here in Nevada who are doing environmental justice work. Taxing mines. Blocking Clark County Lands Bill. Joining PLAN, Make the Road, Sierra Club, etc. – Francesca P.
- Increase organizing capacity during legislative sessions. Real opportunity to make headway. – Alex K.
- Great range of groups. Prestigious. Sway with local officials. Respected. Low risk, high reward. In favor of us joining. – Shaun N.
- Motion to approve by unanimous consent. – Alex S.
- Amazon Wishlist resolution – Resolution passed.
- Create an Amazon Wishlist for menstrual product drive. Cash-based donations. Donors can buy products from Amazon. Delivered to one of our locations. New partners. – Jaylynn F.
- Motion to approve by unanimous consent. – Alex S.
- SCC slate endorsements resolution – Resolution passed.
- Spoke on resolution to support Judith Whitmer for State Party Chair along with the entirety of the NV Dems “Progressive Slate,” including Jacob Allen for First Vice Chair, Dr. Zaffar Iqbal for Second Vice Chair, Ahmad Adé for Secretary, and Howard Beckerman for Treasurer. – Amy V.
- Motion to approve by unanimous consent. – Erika B.
Chapter Reports (Written Officer & Committee Reports here)
- Communications Report
- Translate materials and website. Don’t have capacity. If you are able to help, please fill out this form: – Tiffany S.
- Mutual Aid Report
- If you are interested in the chair position for mutual aid, please come to our meeting tomorrow! – Ash M.
Open comment
- Motion to switch Open Comment before the Educational Segment. Motion passed. – Chris R.
- Judy is a great supporter of what we stand for. Told story of Tick asking to get arrested and being asked to be released a few blocks down for show. – Lourdes E.
- Invite everyone to Left Caucus Meeting this Tuesday. All candidates will be there. Share plans, take questions. Register here:
- Voting software? – James M.
- Issue with bylaws. Want to change it. – Kara H.
- Phonebanking tomorrow at 6. Calling to ask electors to support Judith. Register here.
- Important to support Judith in the takeover of democratic party. We love Tick, but he’s not right for the moment. Not enough to simply support Judith. Work actively as a group to push this party and state to the left. No group more capable of pushing this state left than LVDSA.
- Only state central committee members can vote. If you don’t know if you are one, you probably aren’t one. There are still openings. Message Chris R. to get involved. – Keenan K.
Educational Segment: Intersectionality
Adjourn (8:12 PM)