June General Body Meeting

June 6th
7:00 PM

June General Body Meeting

Thursday, June 6th @ 7:00 PM

At general body meetings, members engage in business to further our chapter’s priorities and advance the interests of Las Vegas DSA. This month we’ll reflect on our work to elect Val Thomason to AD10, get member feedback to learn what you want out of a communication platform (is Slack cutting it? How could it be better?), and will share information about our chapter’s convention coming up in July! We’ll also hold a training on strategic campaigns so members can propose campaigns for us to pursue over the next year.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Register below for the address and Zoom link.


Resolutions can be introduced by any member at a general body meeting. All resolutions must be submitted to the Steering Committee by emailing lasvegasdsa@gmail.com at least two weeks before the meeting where the vote will be determined in order for the Steering Committee to publish or disseminate the resolution to the general body at least one week in advance of voting.

Only members are eligible to vote. Members who cannot attend may request an absentee ballot by emailing lasvegasdsa@gmail.com at least 48 hours before the event.

If you’re not yet a dues-paying member, you can join here. If you are unable to pay dues to financial hardship, there is a dues waiver form you can fill out.