Defend Abortion Backup

The Supreme Court has thrown away 50 years of precedent by overturning Roe and Casey. More than half of states have laws or constitutional amendments that make it certain or likely that they will attempt to ban or severely restrict abortion, and 13 states have ‘trigger’ laws that automatically ban abortion once Roe is overturned. While this is a blatant, deadly, and undemocratic attack on the working class (particularly against low-income people of color and those living in red states), it would likely only mark the beginning of a right-wing rollback of Supreme Court decisions that enshrined basic queer and civil rights. Our bodies, our lives, our rights, and our democracy are on the line.

Our autonomy should not depend on the whims of nine unelected lifetime appointments but on the democratic will of the people. Join us in fighting back against these attacks.

Make Your Voice Heard

Striking down Roe v Wade is an attack on the working class of this country. A government that can take away one person’s bodily privacy and autonomy is one that can take it away from all of us. That is why we are committed to the liberation of all people having freedom and control over their own lives and bodies.

We demand that the Senate abolish the filibuster and codify Roe. We also demand the complete repeal of the Hyde Amendment. We further demand that the state of Nevada expand Medicaid coverage to include all abortions and include Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) in the definition of who can legally provide abortion care.

Call on your elected officials to defend abortion rights!

Support Abortion Funds

We believe that abortion care is health care, and that health care is a human right. That’s why LVDSA took part in the 2022 Abortion Access Fund-a-Thon fundraiser to ensure our communities can access the abortion care and support they deserve. During this year’s Fund-a-thon, we raised $10k for Nevada’s Wild West Access Fund.

Abortion funding is mutual aid. It is the redistribution of wealth to cover medical costs, but it is also a community stepping up to fill a basic need where the State has failed – and an invitation for that person to join our movement!

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