Location of Meeting: Zoom
The monthly meeting of the LV DSA was called to order at 6:35 PM on May 21st, 2020 by Shaun H.
Adoption of the Meeting Agenda & Approval of Previous Minutes (April 16th, 2020): Motions passed.
- Annual Executive Board Elections — Meet the Candidates
- Kara H. went over community agreements and the guidelines for voting, as well as guidelines for proxy voting. All of the candidates had a chance to introduce themselves.
- New Business
- Socialist Feminist Committee Proposal — Kara H.
- Kara H. motioned to propose a Socialist Feminist committee. Vote was sent out after the meeting. Nation asked about the inspiration for the committee, and Kara H. talked about the need for a safe space in a majorly male leftist conversation and her own educational background. The proposal passed.
- Fundraising Committee Proposal — Keenan K. & Judith W.
- Keenan K. introduced the Fundraising Committee proposal. James P. mentioned the importance of our chapter being member funded and expressed that he thinks it might be in competition with other committees. Keenan stated that he wants to keep money in and money out separate, and increase the amount of money we are raising as a chapter. Several people spoke on the issue, and it was decided that the motion would not be tabled and would be voted on by chapter membership. The proposal did not pass.
- Officer Reports
- Shaun N. & Kara H. (Co-Chairs)
- Lourdes E. (Treasurer) — Annual budget report
- Lourdes E. went over the information contained in the annual budget report.
- Ashley M. (Secretary) — COVID-19 Mutual Aid report
- Ashley M. went over the information contained in the annual mutual aid report.
- Jessie P. (Communications Chair) — Communications annual report
- Jessie P. went over the information contained in the annual Communications report.
- Richard V. (Education Chair) — Education annual report
- Richard V. went over the information contained in the annual education report.
- Committee Reports
- Ecosocialism Committee — Brittany F. & Jake F. (co-chairs)
- Brittany F. went over the information contained in the annual Ecosocialism committee report.
- Medicare for All Committee — James P. (chair)
- James P. went over the information contained in the annual M4A committee report.
- Labor Committee — Kristofer D. (chair)
- Kristofer D. went over the information contained in the annual Labor committee report.
- Electoral Committee — Keenan K. & Judith W. (co-chairs)
- Keenan K. went over the information contained in the annual Electoral committee report.
- UNLV YDSA — Jesser S. (chair)
- Jesser S. went over the information contained in the annual YDSA committee report.
- Ecosocialism Committee — Brittany F. & Jake F. (co-chairs)
- DSA Trivia Kahoot
- Keenan K. came in 1st, Tiffany S. came in 2nd.
- Break Out Groups
- Break out groups were cancelled due to time.
- Misc./Open Comment Period
- Nation G. reminded everyone to join the debate on Saturday.
- Adjourn
- Lourdes E. motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.
- Annual Executive Board Elections — Meet the Candidates