This year, Las Vegas DSA mobilized over 70 members to knock 10,000+ doors for our first endorsed candidate in the Nevada legislature primaries. In keeping with that energy, we have formed an Electoral Working Group to begin the work on recruiting, training, and running candidates from within LVDSA membership.
This year, we offer a voting recommendation and explanation for each of the 7 ballot questions, and a rundown on the CCSD School Board. We will not be recommending candidates in the general and have chosen to focus our capacity and energy on building our own strategy and growing the socialist movement.
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Ballot Questions
Question 1
We believe that this question would take power away from voters and hand it to the state legislature instead.
We believe that voters should have the last word in every possible instance. This question would remove your ability to vote for the Board of Regents and instead allow lawmakers to give the positions away. In past experiences, most appointed positions(including state lawmaker positions) are given to existing legislators’ friends and neighbors. This leads to further corruption in our system and increases the power of corporate lobbyists and interest groups.
Question 2
This question changes language related to the differently abled in our constitution to be more inclusive, we support this.
Question 3
We believe that this question will make elections more democratic and take power away from special interest groups. Our election process is corrupted by money, much of it dark money with untraceable roots. That money has been used to prevent the working class from gaining access to power. Instead, candidates who support corporations are uplifted in the primary process, and then voters are asked to choose between two corporate candidates in the general. Voters often do not feel they have any good choices, and instead abstain from voting.
Ranked choice is likely to allow progressive, working class, and less well funded candidates to make their way to the November ballot. This will also allow third party and independent candidates, who exist outside the corporate duopoly, to gain access to the November ballot.
We also refute the language used against this measure – the establishment has made it clear that they believe voters are too unintelligent to fill out a ranked choice ballot. We believe this is classist, racist, and mired in old world fallacies that paint the working class as uneducated and incapable. We believe working class voters are competent and capable and will adjust to ranked choice voting with ease, as they did in the 2020 primary when they used rank choice voting to hand a 30 point win to Senator Bernie Sanders.
Question 4
This questions removes language in the Nevada constitution that allows slavery during imprisonment. We support this and believe that institutionalized people not only deserve freedom from slavery, but freedom from confinement and the right to earn a living wage.
Question 5
This question exempts child and adult diapers from certain taxes. We support this.
Question 6
As socialists, we believe that women and those with the ability to get pregnant have absolute autonomy over their own body. We support all efforts to establish that autonomy in our state constitution.
While doing that, we also demand that pro choice orgs and politicians begin the work on addressing material concerns related to abortion access. It is not enough to have a legal right to abortion when you do not have the means to access it. Women in poverty are most likely to need access to abortion yet are least likely to be able to access one. Abortion is healthcare and we would like to see more clinics, more funding, and programs to address the needs of the poor. In our vision for the future, we work towards universal healthcare that includes access to abortion.
Question 7
We are opposed to all attempts to make voting inaccessible or less democratic. This question is based on racist lies about the voting proclivities of undocumented people, and we abhor and condemn the sentiment it is based in.
Voter ID laws will make voting more difficult for lower income and marginalized people who may not have access to an ID. These voters deserve to have a voice, and to vote in any and every election.
CCSD Board of Trustees (School Board)
This year, a group called Moms for Liberty launched a slate of four candidates with the intention of building a sizable caucus within the CCSD school board. Moms for Liberty is a racist and transphobic group formed to prevent children from learning about LGBTQ issues, Black history, and other forms of history that expose the white supremacist past of the United States. In practice, they have focused their ire on banning books in school districts across the country, particularly LGBTQ+ or Black history books.
We recommend voting against the two remaining Moms For Liberty candidates.
District B
Vote Against Lydia Dominguez
Dominguez is endorsed by Moms for Liberty. We recommend voting against her.
District E
Vote Against Lorena Biasotti
Biasotti is the vice chair of the Clark County chapter of Moms for Liberty. We recommend voting against her.