General Body Meeting
September 1, 2022 @ 7:00pm Locations: Zoom or The Nunnery ( 900 E. Karen Avenue Suite A218) |
6:30pm – Doors Open |
7:00pm – Call to Order & Welcome
Guest Presentation: Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty |
Treasurer’s Report |
Cultivating Desert Power Campaign Update
Abolition and Community Safety Campaign Update
Yes on Neighborhood Stability Campaign Update |
About Working Groups, Sections, and Caucuses
Socialist Feminist Section Update
Call for Members to Join Working Groups
Updated Resolution for Addressing Interpersonal/Political Conflict and Code of Conduct Violations
Open Comment Period |
9:00pm – Adjourn |
Meeting Minutes
Chair: Shaun N.
Secretary: Notetaker: Sarah L.
- Meeting called to order 7:32 PM
- Quorum not reached at this time
- Community agreements
- Land acknowledgment, Defend Native Children and Sovereignty
- Agenda not adopted – no quorum, cannot do voting sections
- Meeting minutes from GBM 8/4/22 – no quorum, cannot do voting sections
- Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty – Branden Cunningham could not speak today due to emergency.
- Treasurer’s Report – Aimee H.
- $8,460.14 in bank account
- 7 cents earned dividend from credit union
- Biggest expense: SunSol $495.95. Higher than usual due to last minute request: uncle caring for 2 nephews with special needs so we provided underwear/socks, still looking for 2x clothing, shoes in a proportionate size, identify as boys. They are connected with Masjid As-Sabur for support as well.
- Stripe account (Action Network) $1,284.08, received $1,000 donation from a member
- Paypal $0 – everything transferred to bank account
- Venmo empty, we are phasing out, do not use venmo! Use PayPal or donate link on website
- Questions Email with subject Treasurer or Financial
- Cultivating Desert Power campaign update
- NDOT (transportation board) meeting Sept 12 at 9:30 am. Join us in providing public comment about urban heat islands. 123 E. Washington Ave., Building B.
- Basin & Range Watch solar power education night, film etc. – Sept 12 at 7:00 PM
- Yellow Pine memorial, 8 poets, food and drink – September 24 at 4:00 PM
- Abolition and Community Safety campaign update
- Steering Committee has appointed 2 stewards, Casey L. and Ephraim Z.
- Casey L.: first putting together at least 4 brake light clinics to help reduce interactions with police. Last one helped 14 people for $121
- Training and dry run of clinic: Saturday Sept 10 at Edgar Flores office in East LV, event details will be put out
- Abolition & Community Safety meeting: Sept 14 at 7:00 pm (virtual)
- Brake Light Clinic Sept 17 at 9:00 AM at Edgar Flores office
- Yes on Neighborhood Stability campaign update – Klaire V.
- YNS ballot measure will not be on the ballot this year, deemed insufficient by NLV city council
- Brainstorming session, no new priority plans
- Vote on Resolution to Conclude YNS – cannot be voted on tonight due to no quorum
- Socialist Feminist Section update – Tiffany S.
- Book club tuesday 8 pm zoom abolition feminism now.
- Abortion access campaign
- Collecting abortion after care donations: over-the-counter pain relievers, overnight menstrual pads, etc. see
- Drop off at Avantpop, NV Dems Office
- Collecting personal testimonies about abortion and Crisis Pregnancy Centers
- Looking for people to translate docs into Spanish bc there is not a lot of quality info in Spanish
- Collecting abortion after care donations: over-the-counter pain relievers, overnight menstrual pads, etc. see
- Sept 11 3 PM NV Dems in person work session
- Look for an email coming out soon
- DM Tiffany S.,
- Calls for members to join working groups
- Member Engagement WG – Shaun N.
- NMO last week went well. Interested in participating, DM Shaun or post in MEWG Slack channel
- PoliEd WG – Sean Y.
- In order for someone to act they must have an idea, in order for you to persuade you need a reasoned persuasive argument.
- We as a chapter need to have a common language with which to speak. We need to generate our own goals and strategies.
- PoliEd is like James Bond’s Q branch
- Mutual Aid WG – Rahman F. and Justin N.
- SunSol 18 months straight! Last week was one of biggest events yet
- Next SunSol Sept 25 at 10 AM
- Amazon wish list with key items – tents, hygiene items, tote bags
- Disability & Accessibility Section
- DM Sarah Leavitt or join discussion-accessibility Slack channel
- Comms WG – Natasha S.
- If you like writing, social media, making graphics – you can help!
- Translations WG – Natasha S.
- Roy leads it and does most of the work
- We need more help!
- Member Engagement WG – Shaun N.
- Vacancies on Steering Committee
- Minnie W. resigned effective August 26 due to capacity issues and wanting to spend more time with family and on non-steering committee related activities. Minnie has given so much to the development of the chapter and the SC and we thank her for her time and work.
- August 29 SC voted to remove Nathaniel P. due to code of conduct violation
- Special election needed – look for email with more details this weekend
- 1 week of nominations
- Membership will be notified of candidates 2 weeks prior to election at next GBM
- Updated Resolution for Addressing Interpersonal/Political Conflict and Code of Conduct Violations – could not be voted on due to lack of quorum
- Open comment
- Sean Y – in person reading group for an article paper on racial capitalism and why it adds to the stability of capitalism. Please register beforehand. At Cloud House
- Aimee H – go to SocFem book club for Abolition Feminism Now, if interested in abolition! Stewards encourage everyone to jump in even if you have not done the reading
- From SC: thank you everyone for bearing with us through technical difficulties
- Meeting adjourned 8:09 PM