7:05 | Welcome & Call to Order Past Business: HGO Resolution |
7:10 | Support CCEA in their contract fight against CCSD! – Noel K. & Paul K. - Noel K. & Paul K. gave an overview of the current contract fight and advice for how we can support CCSD teachers.
- Talk positively about teachers and their fight
- Share information about rallies and attend if you can
7:20 | DSA National Convention 2023 - Convention Recap – Anthony L.
- Sign up for Income Based Solidarity Dues!
- Jesser and Rahman spoke about their experience being at convention for the first time. Exciting, lots of high-level political discourse, exciting to talk to people from outside of our chapters and see how other chapters are different from ours.
- LVDSA delegates voted as a block.
- External
- Prioritize GND related work, legislative work, expand to include labor demands
- Labor strategy, strike and picket support at UAW
- National labor commission will help establish emergency worker organizing support in local chapters, Anthony is attending training to bring back info to chapter
- Electoral committee will develop strategy to build independence from Dem party
- Work related to supporting immigrants and refugees
- Add financial and technical resources to emergency tenant organizing committee
- Internal
- Creating actionable plan for resolutions that passed
- Full-time, national chairs
- 2 NPC members will be elected, same members from delegation will be voting
- Democracy commission for DSA, make national body more functional, more democratic
- Solidarity-based income dues, 1 percent of your income, will help us to do all of the things we want to do as an organization
- Guest NPC Speakers
- The 2023 Convention and Red Star’s Tasks For Leadership
- New NPC members spoke about their excitement for the next few years and what they hope to see
- Excitement about Trans Rights/Reproductive Rights campaign nationwide
- Q&A
- Next big national DSA campaign?
- Megan: Trans lib, reproductive justice, defending democracy itself, campaign ties all of those things together, more bottom-up organizing
- Chapters will assess conditions where they are, decide what campaign is right for them as a part of this bigger campaign, national offers support in whatever way is needed
- Connect chapters that are doing similar work, chapters can help each other
8:00 | Chapter Updates - Labor
- Starbucks – Austin K.
- Starbucks Adopt-a-Store!
- Thursday, Sept 14th 3:30-6:30pm
- 4780 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas NV 89119
- Ask: Get 2-3 people out to hand out flyers and tell customers that Starbucks is breaking labor laws
- Kicked out of this Starbucks last month, got customers worked up, workers were happy
- Led by Tiko
- Strike Ready Update – Anthony L.
- Valley Hospital Pickets – sign up for a shift here!
- Staff are picketing, get anyone to be on line with them
- Transitioning from UPS teamsters, shifting towards UAW, probably going to strike
- not many current actions for NV, amplify on social media, talk positively in support, more regional than UPS
- Report back on Labor 101 Presentation – Austin K.
- Presented at E. Las Vegas library
- 29 attendees, many new people
- Housing – Shannon W.
- Housing Meeting
- Every second Tuesday of the month
- September 12th at 6pm
- First canvas this cycle on Sat
- Member Engagement – Sarah L.
- Mutual Aid – Justin N. & Rahman F.
- Political Education – Brian TS
- 3rd Monday of the month [IN-PERSON]: Politics in the Park
- Monday, September 18th 6-8pm
- Sunset Park
- 1st Monday of the month [ONLINE]: Socialist Vibes
- Monday, October 2nd at 7pm
- Communications – Tiffany S.
- Comms Committee Meeting
- 1st Tuesday of the month
- Next meeting: Tuesday. October 3rd at 7pm
- Looking for people who want to make graphics, write (social media, blog posts, email), help with translations, and more!
- Contact Tiffany for more information
- Socialist Feminist
- Upcoming reading series starting in October! Short articles rather than book clubs at first
- Reach out to Shaelyn on Slack with any questions or interest in getting involved!
- LVDSA Office Hours – Roy Z.
- Next one: Thursday, Sept 21 7-8pm
- Time to work on anything that you need to do and ask chapter-related questions!
| Other upcoming Events – See LVDSA’s full events page here - SEIU’s Communities United! A Multicultural Festival
- Saturday, Sept 9th 4-9pm, free admission
- 500 S Grand Central Pkwy Las Vegas, NV 89106
| Open Comment Period - Austin: Tabling at Life is Shit festival, contact Austin if you are interested in tabling along with him!
- Brian: SRA is inviting all DSA members to join them at the shooting range! Contact Brian if you are interested in being involved
- Angel: Somos Pilares @ E. Las Vegas Community Center https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/573429/
8:30 | Group Discussion - Which Way Forward, Socialist? [Jacobin – An interview with Sofia Guimarães Cutler, Rashad X, Philip Locker, Renée Paradis, and Alexander Hernández – We spoke to some of the Democratic Socialists of America members deciding the future of the country’s largest socialist organization this weekend.]
| Adjourn |