Call to Order (6:35 PM): Kara H. called the meeting to order at 6:35.
Community Guidelines, Membership & Voting: Kara H. went over the guidelines for membership and voting.
Adoption of the Agenda & Approval of Previous (June 18th, 2020) Minutes: Motions passed.
New Business
Ephraim Z. — Labor Committee Power Mapping
Started with power mapping LVCBA. Businesses, board members, affiliations and membership on boards, financial campaign connections, organizations, entities, etc. Move on to doing that with the school district. Trustees, superintendent. Want to see who can get involved. Open to all membership. Workgroup on Wednesdays @ 8 PM. Reach out to Kris D. if you’d like to help out.
Officer Reports (Officer & Committee Reports here)
Shaun N. & Kara H. (Co-chairs) — Chapter report
Shaun N. talked about the co-chair report. If interested in Kara H. talked about member outreach and involvement. Don’t do work just because you feel like you have to. Do things you’re passionate about. More specific asks in Slack coming up. Shouldn’t just be the executive committee doing most of the work. Where do you best fit in and how can we get you to do work that you’d enjoy? Sent out postcards to DSA members, Solidarity with the Post Office.
Lourdes E. (Treasurer) — Treasurer report
Went over the treasurer report.
Ashley M. (Secretary) — Secretary report
Went over the secretary report.
Tiffany S. (Comms Chair) — Communications Report
Socialist spotlight. If you have a socialist you’d like to write about, contact Tiffany. Book review, movie reviews, etc. Communications committee meetings are open now. Next meeting on August 4th @ 6:30 PM. AgitProp is under Comms now. Calls to action on the blog now.
Jesse F. (Education Chair) — Education Committee Report
Education committee starting first discussion group regarding policing and prison. July 31st @ 6:30 PM. Kara H. mentioned GoodReads reading group.
Committee Reports
Ecosocialism Committee (Brittany F. & Jake F., Co-chairs)
Household waste service. Education about food foraging. Community gardening will take a lot of volunteers. If interested, let Brittany or Jake know. Green New Deal pressure campaign for people in Nevada. Running until November. Next meeting is August 5th.
Medicare for All Committee (James P., Chair)
New Medicare for All Facebook page. Weekly health care horror stories. We want to hear your story! National workshop this Sunday.
Labor Committee (Kristofer D., Chair)
Social media naming and shaming. Guide those who wish to advance their organizing to national campaigns. Researching LVCBA. Mapping the government agency. Identified some achievable demands regarding the upcoming school year. Call to action before meeting. Transmitting those demands into a petition.
Electoral Committee (Keenan K. & Judith W., Co-chairs)
July 18th, 2 PM is next meeting. 2020 priorities. Long-term potential electoral efforts. Political power mapping alongside Labor. Organizing field data. Acquire VAN access from DSA national. No DSA endorsed candidates running in Nevada. Electoral organized a series of phonebanks with CCLC for Cory Bush. Registered nurse, BLM activist in St. Louis.
Socalist Feminist Committee (Mariah H., Chair)
Just launched our menstrual product drive with Shade Tree. GoFundMe set up. Almost at 1000. Physical drop offs available. Book club started. Reading Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers Rights.
Mutual Aid Committee (James B., Chair)
Starting a food pantry. Next meeting is Saturday, July 18th at 6:30. We’re taking donations.
UNLV YDSA (Jesser S., Chair)
Gave YDSA update.
Palestine Solidarity Subcommittee (Michael A. & Ziad D., Co-chairs)
End of August for next meeting. Zionism 101. Car caravan was a big success!
AgitProp Subcommittee (Alice B., Chair)
First meeting will go over the history and definition of AgitProp. Come even if you aren’t artistic. July 30th.
Educational Segment
Socialist Spotlight: James Baldwin
Discussion question: Is police abolition realistic? Breakout group discussion.
Misc./Open Comment Period
Lourdes E. mentioned Facebook Telethon for the fall, link here if you’d like to sign up.
Christian B. asked about night school. Kara H. encouraged everyone to go to other DSA events as well.
Michael W. with Red Rock Dems. Special meeting on special session. July 29th, link here.
Aimee H. mentioned campaign and petition to stop the mutilation of intersex children.
Chris invited everyone to the Left Caucus virtual happy hour, link here.
Pastor M.J. is running for 2nd Vice Chair.
Shaun N. is running for 3rd Vice Chair.
Adjourn (7:46 PM): Meeting was adjourned by Kara H.