Regular Meeting

August 20, 2020

Call to Order (6:35 PM)

Meeting was called to order by Kara H. at 6:35 PM.

Community Guidelines, Membership & Voting 

Kara H. went over community guidelines, membership, and voting.

Adoption of the Agenda & Approval of Previous (July 16th,  2020) Minutes

Motions passed.

New Business

Racial Justice: Committee Vision – Alex S.

Alex S. shared information about the new vision for the Racial Justice Committee which will be voted on at the next monthly meeting.

Officer Reports (Officer & Committee Reports here)

Shaun N. & Kara H. (Co-chairs) — Chapter report

Went over Chapter report.

Lourdes E. (Treasurer) — Treasurer report

Went over Treasurer report.

Ashley M. (Secretary) — Secretary report

Went over Secretary report.

Tiffany S. (Comms Chair) — Communications Report

Went over Communications report.

Jesse F. (Education Chair) — Education Committee Report

Went over Education report.

Committee Reports 

Ecosocialism Committee  (Brittany F. & Jake F., Co-chairs

Went over Ecosocialism report. 

Electoral Committee (Keenan K., Chair)

Kara H. went over Electoral report.

Labor Committee (Kristofer D., Chair)

Went over Labor report.

Medicare for All Committee (James P., Chair

Went over M4A report.

Mutual Aid Committee (James B., Chair

Went over Mutual Aid report.

Socalist Feminist Committee (Jaylynn M., Chair)

Went over Socialist Feminist report.

UNLV YDSA (Jesser S., Chair

Went over UNLV YDSA report.

AgitProp Subcommittee (Alice B., Chair

Went over AgitProp Subcommittee.

Palestine Solidarity Subcommittee (Michael A. & Ziad D., Co-chairs

Went over Palestine Solidarity Subcommittee.

Educational Segment: Ending the Deadly Exchange

Ziad and Michael presented a segment concerning ending the deadly exchange between Israel and local police.

Misc./Open Comment Period 


Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.