Doors Open (6:15)
- Call to Order (6:30)
- Community Guidelines, Membership & Voting
- Adoption of the Agenda and Approval of Previous (July 18) Minutes
- Officer Reports
- Co Chair – James Patterson
- Co Chair – Dylan Small
- Secretary – Thomas Kaiser
- Treasurer – Lourdes Esparza
- Communications – Shaun Navarro
- Education – Richard Vogel
- Subcommittee Reports (6:40)
- M4A
- Immigrant Rights
- Labor
- National Convention Report (6:50)
- New Business (7:10)
- Proposal to create Electoral Subcommittee – Keenan Korth
- Chapter Security Training (7:25)
- Political Education – “Building the Power to Win” (7:55)
- Guest Speaker – Reverend Phil, Cofounder of Bike Smut, on Sex Work (8:05)
- Misc (8:25 min)
- Adjourn (8:30)
Meeting Minutes
The regular monthly meeting of the Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America was held on Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the SEIU union hall.
The minutes for the previous chapter meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were approved without correction or amendment.
The co chair (James), secretary, communications chair, and education chair gave their reports.
The M4A chair gave his report. An upcoming event with speaker Tim Faust was announced in the time slot of the next chapter meeting. A town hall with congressional representative Steven Horseford was highlighted as well as the next subcommittee planning meeting at Illumilatte at 7:00 PM on August 16th.
The Immigrant Rights subcommittee chair gave his report and announced the next subcommittee meeting at Illumilate at noon on August 18th.
Delegates from the recently attended national convention gave a report on major resolutions passed and their experience.
Keenan motioned with second to form an electoral subcommittee. After some discussion the question was called by Dylan and passed 19 to 0. The founding membership is Keenan Korth, chair, and the following founding members: Rachel Bovard, Christian Gonzalez, Tamara Taylor, Thomas Kaiser, Robert Gaskins, Adam Turl, Reverent Phil, Judith Whitmer, Alexander Mann, Andrew Lin, Dwayne Morton, Michael Weiss, Paul Catha, Gary Hall, Shaun Navaro, James Patterson, Rich Vogel, Jake Farmer, Jesse Fitts, Tish Markley.
The education chair presented a video “Building the Power to Win” featuring Jane McAlevey.
A guest speaker from the Phoenix chapter (Sam) gave a presentation on security for the chapter in organizing and during actions.
A motion to do next months chapter business during the open monthly steering meeting in lieu of rescheduling the chapter general meeting in light of the M4A event happening during the regular general time slot was made by James and seconded and passed 13 to 2.
Guest speakers, Reverend Phil and Addy, gave a presentation on sex work and the reasons to support decrimminalization as the best solution for the sex worker community.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45.