Special Steering Committee Election
- Resignations & Vacancies
- Comms (Tiffany S.)
- Kara: Split up some of Tiffany’s work. I will take care of email and help with graphics. Roy can help with events. Ash will take care of emails. Jesser is willing to run for position and willing to help out in the meantime. Motion to appoint Jesser during vacancy period for social media help until December GBM election. Tiffany will onboard Jesser.
- Comms (Tiffany S.)
- Resignations & Vacancies
- Motion to appoint Jesser: 5 yes, 0 no
- Campaigns Organizer (Austin K.)
- Kara: Austin wants to resign. Would like to suggest to appoint Austin as second housing co-steward if he wants to.
- Austin: Maybe, let me think of an answer.
- Treasurer (Sean Y.)
- Kara: We could ask Anthony. If anyone else has an idea of someone who might be interested, be sure to share.
- Campaigns Organizer (Austin K.)
- December GBM Special Election (12/7)
- Kara: Send out a form to go out for nominations ASAP (11/2). Should go out to all members right before the meeting. Can announce it during the meeting. Deadline for acceptance would be two weeks after (11/16). Members submit questions for candidates (11/23). Candidate Questionnaire (due by 11/28 & sent out to all members on 11/30). Possible candidate town hall if contested elections (11/30).
SC Portfolio Updates & Questions
- Chapter Update (Kara)
- Kara: Most of our events are in-person now. It should be OK to have GBM online. Future GBMs starting in December (online only). Is anyone opposed? No one opposed.
- Palestine Movie Night
- Kara: I wasn’t able to go. Is anyone able to give a debrief?
- Sarah: It went well. 21 or more people. Movie and discussion were good.
- Austin: I ran sign in sheets. Added people into Action Network.
- Shaun: Many people were new. NPL enjoyed it and are interested in being involved in the next one too.
- Kara: Ask for donations for Palestinian medical aid. Maybe write up a flyer for that.
- Kara: What is needed for the next one on Mon, 11/6? Want to make flyers to give out at GBM. Shaun, are you able to check-in with Michael?
November GBM
- Logistics
- Location: SEIU (in-person only)
- Time: Get there at 6 PM, doors open at 6:30 PM
- Jobs
- Shaun: Snacks, cooler
- Ash: Water
- Kara: Bringing supplies, merch
- Roy: Selling merch
- Austin: Sign-in table, sign-in sheets
- Kara: printed agendas, Palestine movie nights, steering committee elections flyer, next Starbucks day of action on 11/22
- Agenda
- Palestine Solidarity updates <- Will be at the end
- Kara: Talk about Movie Nights. Speaker? Michael? If not, maybe Jesser can do a piece of PoliEd presentation? Shaun, can you reach out to Michael?
- Shaun: Asked Jesser. Just need to figure out AV stuff. Also asked Michael.
- Kara: Can print slides if needed.
- Holiday Solidarity update
- Ash: We can ask either Justin or Rahman.
- Shaun: Rahman isn’t sure, but Justin can make it.
- Call for Mutual Aid Steward and SC nominations
- December special election: Announce vacancies & timeline, send out nominations form after/before/during meeting
- Palestine Solidarity updates <- Will be at the end
- Upcoming Events
- Canceling Member Social for November
- Next SC Meeting: Sunday, Nov 5th