Old Business
- Steering Committee Special Election
- Comms
- Kara: Jesser needs to accept.
- Treasurer
- Ash: James is interested in the position.
- Campaign Organizer
- Poli-Ed?
- Ash: Will add Brian to form. Will go out again on Monday or Tuesday.
- Kara: If the position ends up vacant, we can do PoliEd as steering.
- Comms
- December GBM Special Election (12/7)
- Form to go out for nominations ASAP (11/2)
- Deadline for acceptance (11/16)
- Members submit questions for candidates (11/23)
- Candidate Questionnaire (due by 11/28 & sent out on 11/30)
- Possible candidate town hall if contested elections (11/30)
- Mutual Aid Steward Nominations
Holiday Solidarity
- Ash: J & R were wondering about who is in charge of finances now.
- Kara: Make spreadsheet for donations that everyone has access to.
- Ash: Will do that.
- Office Hours
- Kara: Change to once a month?
- Ash: Agree. Not enough people to run it at the moment.
- Kara: Mondays or Tuesdays?
- 1st Monday @ 6pm. Start in December.
- Palestine Film Series
- Kara: Are we good with this?
- Shaun: Will follow up with Michael.
- Ash: Is Jesser good?
- Shaun: Yes, just needs discussion questions.
- Kara: How many people signed up?
- Ash: 4 people.
- Kara: Do we want to cancel, reach out and maybe run every other month?
- Sarah: OK to do it.
- Ash: Do we want to do every other month now? Maybe skip December?
- Kara: Big push for Jan NMO after HolSol. Add DSA Q&A?
SC Portfolio Updates & Questions
- Ash: If there are any emails you want me to send, don’t be afraid to ask
December GBM
- Online only
- Special election
Open Comment
- Shaun: Student walk-out on the 9th. Wanted us to promote it.
- Shaun: Community event is still in the works. Early December.