All times are approximate
7:05 | Call to Order Sign in |
7:10 | Financial Report |
7:15 | Vote on Resolution to Provide Aid to Victims of Hurricane Ida |
7:30 | Adjourn |
Meeting Minutes
Facilitator: Aimee H.
Notetaker: Tiffany S.
- 7:05 – Aimee H. calls meeting to order
- Emergency meeting was called for the general body to vote on the Resolution to Provide Aid to Victims of Hurricane Ida. Per our bylaws, no other business will be done during this meeting
- 7:06 – Financial Report
- Since this is relevant to vote, Aimee gives a financial report
- General Fund: $9,471
- Mutual Aid FundL $2053.40
- Since this is relevant to vote, Aimee gives a financial report
- 7:07 – Minnie W. motions to approve the resolution, Gordon B. seconds
- Speaking in favor: Minnie
- While cash is often best, comrades on the ground have told us that in this case, supplies are more needed. We can purchase the supplies and have them delivered on the ground.
- Gordon: motions to call the question as there is no opposition
- Question is called, resolution passes with 54 yes votes.
- Speaking in favor: Minnie
- 7:12 – Shaun N. motions to adjourn, Travis S. seconds.