11:00 AM 11:07 – Call to Order | Call to Order - Sign in link distributed
- Review Steering Committee meeting rules
- Adoption of agenda
- Adoption of 7/30/2023 Meeting Minutes
| Previous Business - HGO Resolution
- Did not meet quorum in email vote that went out – will continue to put it up for a vote at upcoming meetings.
- Treasurer/Bank Account Updates
- Aimee removed herself.
- Anthony is the sole person on the bank account currently. Shaun & Kara have debit cards.
- Shaun, Sean, and Kara will meet Anthony this upcoming weekend (Fri-Sun 18th-20th) to add themselves to the bank account and remove Anthony.
- Member Engagement Transition
- Val resigned within 30 days so no election
- Sarah L will take her spot since she was runner up in the July convention election.
- Updates have been made to SC portfolio doc and the website.
- Add to Sarah L to SC slack channels and update permissions
- More discussion later in the agenda about issues that have arised
| DSA National Convention Updates - New NPC (national leadership), resolutions passed
- More connections with national DSA & national WG & committees
- Will help with capacity and training, etc especially when engagement and capacity is low
- Connections with National can help in many ways, chapter grants, etc.
- Want members to feel like they can engage with national more
| New Business - Val’s Resignation & Term Limit Resolution
- Term Limit resolution not proposed officially yet
- Shaun: Not opposed to term limits, but what problem do they solve? We don’t have many members who want to run for leadership.
- Sean: Could create problems by barring experienced members from steering
- Austin: Term limits will not solve engagement issues in any meaningful way
- Kara: Members can always overrule steering, important to empower members to organize, members know we are having issues with engagement, capacity is more of an issue than it used to be
- CCEA Update
- Contact dispute, work actions and protests
- Keep supporting union, promote teacher’s getting a fair contract
- Canceled Meetings & Events
- Every meeting/event since convention has been canceled
- If more support and help is needed, please let us know so we can help
- Reschedule rather than just cancel
- Member Engagement & Capacity
- Any event/meeting we have should be promoted to all membership
- Some members do not look at Slack/email, but might check social media
- Getting events out in multiple different places can only help, won’t hurt
- Tiffany: Social on a regular day every month. Talk about the work. Members need an easy way to engage with the chapter.
- Roy: Office hours where people can show up and ask questions. People can pop into a Zoom and be able to work together.
- Kara: Regular board game meetup? The number of events we are putting on does not match with our engagement and capacity. Let’s focus on 3 events for Sep: GBM, social, working group.
- Tiffany: Just because someone doesn’t have capacity to be in a leadership role doesn’t mean they can’t help with smaller things.
- Kara: Combining events. Maybe at a Sunday Solidarity, we start at the location, then we can have a canvas going at the same time.
| SC Portfolios - Austin: Focus on Housing WG
- Housing WG: Shannon is our new steward
- Austin will have one-on-one with Shannon within the next week or so
- Roy: Focus on Labor and Mutual Aid
- Ash: Trying to get business license stuff done with. Need to pay for paperwork.
| September GBM: September 7th - Agenda
- Invite new NPC member(s) to come speak
- National DSA Convention update for membership
- Member engagement discussion
- Regular social
- Office hours
- What do they think we should do? What do members want?
- Austin: In person could be conducive to engagement discussion
- Tiffany: One Clark County library is open later and could be used as a meeting space
- Kara: If we have it in person, we should really encourage everyone to come in person. Incentivize them somehow.
- Austin: Member social after GBM?
- Tiffany: Basic email to give people information on how to write and submit resolutions
- Kara: Include examples, something not serious so members can see how they should be formatted.
- Kara: Practice debate? Maybe about something small, like Bud, our new mascot.
- Tiffany: Pick a short article, send along with the agenda, give time to talk about it at the end of the meeting.
1:03 PM | Adjourn - Next SC Meeting: August 27th, 1pm-3pm (Sunday Solidarity!)