Weekly Roundup, Vol. 19
September 4, 2020 |
Weekly Roundup
Happy Friday, comrades! Get comfortable and dig in to our Weekly Roundup.
- A Green New Deal for Decarceration [19 min]
- ‘Either you are fighting to eliminate exploitation or not’: A leftist critique of the Green New Deal [18 min]
- Economic Growth is Killing Us [Video, 4 min]
- The New York Times is in the oil business [Video, 18 min]
Racial & Social Justice
- How female Brown Berets created their own Chicana movement [22 min]
- The End of Black Politics [10 min]
- How the pandemic will affect Black Women’s Equal Pay Day for years to come [4 min]
- How White People Used Tuberculosis to Settle the Southwest [7 min]
- Adam F. Naughton on the politics of disability [Podcast, 80 min]
Fight the Right
- RNC Gave Prime Time to Vigilantes. The Next Day a Gunman Shot BLM Protesters. [7 min]
- A Brief History of Anti-fascism [13 min]
- Free Speech Fights Have Historically Targeted the Left [9 min]
Sex Work
- Strippers are Workers With the Power to Unionize [4 min]
- What do sex workers want? [Video, 18 min]
Against Capital
- Calls to Defund the Police Are Joining the Demand to Cancel Rent [11 min]
- Latin America unites to fight global inequalities in new regional pact [6 min]
- Meatpacking Companies Dismissed Years of Warnings but Now Say Nobody Could Have Prepared for COVID-19 [26 min]
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