Tell the Legislature: Repeal SB242 to Hold Police Accountable

julio 30, 2020 | Call to Action

The global pandemic and rise of the Black Lives Matter movement has created a watershed moment for change. Thousands of Nevadans have taken to the streets to demand an end to racist policing and police violence. Legislators must rise to the occasion during the second special session and act to hold police accountable.

Elected officials have the opportunity to:

  • Fully repeal SB 242 of the 2019 Legislative Session. SB 242 stands as an obstacle to transparency and accountability for police officers accused of misconduct.
  • Address the use of force matrix and completely ban the use of chokeholds
  • Collect and analyze stop data to determine patterns and practices of profiling.

Legislators have already been hearing from pro-police groups to not enact these policies. It is urgent that they hear from you. Use this form to send your representative a message.