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Categoría: Educación Política

agosto 5, 2022 | Educación Política

¿Por qué el Verde es el color del derecho al aborto?

Durante este tiempo de mayor enfoque en el derecho al aborto, es posible que veas personas vestidas de verde en manifestaciones en todo el país, especialmente pañuelos o pañuelos verdes.
marzo 28, 2021 | Educación Política

Lessons from Ten Years of Syrian Revolution

Ten years ago this month, the Syrian Revolution began. The wildfire of the Arab Spring spread across the region in 2011, embers igniting from Tunisia to Egypt. Then, in a local schoolyard, graffiti appeared: “you’re next, Bashar.” That was the first sign that the wildfire had reached Syria.
febrero 13, 2021 | Artículo, Educación Política

Valentine’s Day, Every Day: A Socialist Perspective

As socialists, we aim to create a world conducive to the love of dreamers and romantics–one where love is reimagined as a collective practice throughout our society. We can embody this collective love, each and every day, by struggling for the radical new world where love is everywhere.
enero 13, 2021 | Educación Política

An Introduction to Capitalism

A written version of our first Socialist Night School session held by LVDSA Education Committee entitled “An Introduction to Capitalism.” We encourage anyone reading to attend the night schools for great presentations and discussions.

Socialist Spotlight: Fred Hampton

The quintessential coalition-builder, Fred Hampton advocated on behalf of the working class as a revolutionary socialist. His fight against racial capitalist structures remains relevant today, as does his murder at the hands of the state.
septiembre 21, 2020 | Educación Política

Ending the Deadly Exchange: The Occupation of Palestine & Black Lives Matter

The Deadly Exchange is a police training program in which U.S. law enforcement agencies, including state and local police departments, participate in exchange programs with the Israeli military and police.

Socialist Spotlight: James Baldwin

"I love America more than any other country in the world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." - James Baldwin

Socialist Spotlight: Angela Davis

Angela Davis is a feminist, Marxist, abolitionist, and a pivotal figure in the Black liberation movement.