Oct 17 2022 SC

octubre 17, 2022

Oct 17 2022 SC

Steering Committee Meeting

October 17, 2022 @ 7:00pm


7:00 Call to Order

Sign in link distributed

Review Steering Committee meeting rules

Adoption of agenda

Adoption of 10/03/2022 Meeting Minutes

Review of previous action items

Link to make a motion

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report (EZ)

Holiday Solidarity Report

Hear a report of progress from the stewards, identify how to support them


Assess adjustments as we welcome two new SC members

2022-23 SC Portfolios

General Body Meeting Planning

Location and topics

Open Comment
9:00 Adjourn


Meeting Minutes

Chair: Anthony L.

Secretary: N/A, Anthony L. notetaking


    1. Called to order 7:06
    2. Adoption of the agenda
      1. Anthony moves to remove Seattle Members Census, none opposed, removed from agenda
      2. Agenda adopted as amended
    3. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes, none opposed, adopted
    4. Reviewed all action items, all complete
    5. Reviewed Treasurer’s Report, no questions
    6. Holiday Solidarity Update, provided by Justin N. and Rahman F.
      1. Rahman thought determining the site was one of his responsibilities, wants clarity on that, As-Sabur is basically locked in already
      2. Aiming for the same goal as last year, 150-200 meal kits, last year was about 235
        1. Sean Y asked if we have the same resources as last year, Aimee responds that we are doing fine on funding but we still need to be ready to fundraise 
      3. Planning for one packing day, and one pickup/delivery date
        1. As-Sabur has storage space
      4. Not sure about a date yet, considering 12th or 19th, would like to pick a date tonight
        1. Sarah prefers the 19th for time to fundraise and prepare
        2. There may be other orgs having events, it’s a popular weekend to do events
          1. Shaun disagrees, thinks that many orgs will be burned out after the general election so they may not have any other event going on
        3. Both dates should be available at As-Sabur
        4. Anthony suggests 19th for packing, 20th for event day
  • Nobody opposed, event will be 19th and 20th pending acceptance from venue
      1. Justin would like the priorities to prepare lit, and encourage them to have an event shortly after Holiday Solidarity that people can be encouraged to attend
      2. Rahman asked about partners (co-sponsors), would like to finalize that tonight
        1. Shaun suggests having a bigger ask than in the past
        2. MAWG discussed a minimum donation commitment, labor donation (food prep or volunteer hours, and assisting with outreach
          1. Anthony would like to see us only require one of the three options so that it’s accessible to orgs of various sizes
          2. Aimee suggests $50-250 for small org, $250-$500 for large orgs
          3. Anthony suggests that an org can sign up for phone-banking as a contribution
  • Group agrees to do individual asks based on the org’s capacity, asking for money or time
          1. Shaun asks to be included in reviewing the list, Anthony volunteers as well
    1. Regarding co-hosts
      1. Suggestions: Erika B, Courtney K, Laura M, Quinton S, Wild West Fund, Shaun N, Imam Fateen, Ahmad A, one of the Sisters, Athar from ACLU, NLG member
        1. Sarah asks about leaders of the AAPI or indigenous communities
        2. Sean, Shaun, Aimee do not believe that we should require that the person be a DSA member
        3. Anthony proposes Shaun or Ahmad, with a non-member
          1. Aimee says that Ahmad would probably be okay with not being a sponsor since he did the last one
        4. Anthony asks if the group agrees on Imam Fateen
          1. Shaun is concerned with how much that person will contribute to outreach, and if he aligns with our values
            1. Rahman agrees
          2. Aimee has some concerns with how the Sisters may be accepted in the community
        5. Anthony will propose Shaun and Quinton in the SC Vote channel, with Ahamd as the backup if Quinton declines
    2. Shaun said he talked to Roseann about having food to give to houseless folks who walk up, she is preparing for that
    3. Anthony asked if the last SC was under the impression that we’d be approving the location, date, and partner criteria tonight rather than the WG doing it beforehand
      1. Sean Y believed the discussion was only about waiting to approve partner criteria
      2. Anthony apologizes for the confusion
    4. Aimee points out that lit and merch needs some lead time, at least two weeks out, and needs to be professionally printed
      1. Anthony reminds the group that last year the lit was updated too frequently, suggests having a final version ready a few weeks in advance
      2. Anthony also adds that he will be proposing at the GBM that we pay for roughly $1,000 of shirts for all volunteers
  1. Portfolios
    1. Anthony says he plans to put any proposed changes to portfolios up for a vote in the Slack after the meeting so others can participate sufficiently
    2. Anthony reminds the group that the portfolios are completely at the discretion of the group
    3. Skyler feels confident in being able to fill almost all portfolio, but is not interested in Secretary or poli ed, has experience as Treasurer, with comms, and with Action Network, some preference to member engagement or training
    4. Lorenzita has no preference.
    5. Anthony says he talked to Sarah and Roy and will be nominating Sarah for Secretary
    6. Aimee feels there should be a merch committee, with someone on SC making sure merch fulfillment is happening, probably the Treasurer; inventory needs its own attention
      1. Anthony agrees
    7. Aimee feels that MAWG could monitor the inventory, but someone from SC could do the administrative tracking
      1. Anthony suggests keeping it with Sarah as a Secretary duty
        1. Aimee and Sean agree
    8. Anthony will put the proposal in the SC Votes channel, with Skyler & Shaun on Member Engagement, Lorenzita on Organizer Training, and Inventory and Merch broken up between Secretary and Treasurer
  2. General Body Meeting
    1. Anthony suggests that Rahman and Justin present on Hol Sol, including asking the members about a December location and asking people to sign up for volunteer shifts
      1. Aimee says that if we ask for input there must be follow through
    2. Aimee will ask native community members about talking about ICWA and maybe Thanksgiving
    3. Anthony suggests asking Abolition to arrange for a Know Your Rights training, which would be best as an in-person training according to Erik
    4. Anthony suggests East Las Vegas Community Center for a location
  3. Open Comment
    1. Reminder about Southwest District Call on Tuesday
    2. Aimee spoke to Victoria about possibly hosting Hol Sol, she’s open to December but there will likely not be any onsite storage
    3. Anthony talked about how last December’s Hol Sol was more relaxed and presented opportunities for members to hangout and eat and enjoy each other’s company, hopes to see something like that with an offer for our partners to join us and table, maybe do a brake light clinic
  4. Meeting adjourned 8:57pm

Action Items

Item Assigned To
Ask Quinton about being a co-host Anthony & Shaun
Ask native community members about talking about ICWA and maybe Thanksgiving Aimee
Check East Las Vegas Community Center availability for GBM Anthony