Steering Committee Meeting

enero 3, 2022

Steering Committee Meeting


Times are approximate and subject to change at the Chair’s discretion.

7:00 Call to Order

Confirm notetaker

Sign in link distributed

Review Steering Committee meeting rules

Adoption of agenda

Adoption of last meeting’s minutes

Review of last week’s action items
Treasurer’s Report

Aimee to present

Upcoming NV Energy Protest
Special Election Schedule & Process

Anthony to present

Call for HGO Interest

Anthony to Present

General Meeting Prep
Other Actions & Proposals

Open floor

9:00 Adjourn

Meeting Minutes

Chair: Anthony L
Notetaker: Minnie 

Attendance: Anthony L, Minnie W, Tiffany S, Aimee H, Shaun N, Mike Y, Jackie S, Paul John C, Jesser S, Lorenzita L

Adoption of agenda – Jackie motions to adopt, Aimee seconds.

Adoption of last meeting’s minutes – Minnie motions to adopt, none opposed.

Last meeting’s action items

  • Resolution for Back to School Solidarity $ – no update Tiffany/Shaun
  • Connect Nesler to info re: Brake Light Clinic – Jackie – is there a date? January 29th. Jackie will message right now.
  • Thacker Pass Trainings – Shaun – no updates
  • NPC email re: member forum statements – Minnie/Tiffany did this
  • Red Rabbits representative – Jackie – needs more info to work on this
  • Check from PLAN? – Shaun/Aimee – no, not so far. Shaun will check the box again tomorrow.

Treasurer’s Report – Aimee

  • Updated report here:
  • Continuing to work on quickbooks accounts
  • We need the check from PLAN as the deficit from Holidarity is coming out of the general fund

Upcoming NV Energy Protest

  • This Thursday
  • Sierra Club, PLAN, Basin and Range Watch – Mike hasn’t seen any of the community partners promoting the event
  • Tiffany has been trying to get more information from Lisa O. No information other than that they need marshals and she would talk to Shaun about that Offered help with making a flyer but haven’t heard back.
  • Lorenzita says it is intended to be lowkey but also would support not promoting it unless there are more details
  • Shaun – Lisa O emailed me some details today. Will follow-up with Lisa. The draft flyer has date changed to January 13th at 11am.

Special Election Schedule & Process – Anthony

  • For Margot’s vacancy we had an announcement at GBM and then 7 days of nominations. Nominate themselves + 5 other nominations during that window.
  • We didn’t have candidates complete a town hall or questionnaire because Mike was the only nominee and he’d already done it. Anthony suggests that we use the same questionnaire and make it available to the general body.
  • Suggest that after the 7 days period, we can come up with a plan for a candidate town hall and what that looks like.
  • If we have multiple candidates, we will have to decide on voting process.

Call for HGO Interest – Anthony

  • Reminder that we need to start nomination process. Anthony approached Jackie H who did express interest.

General Meeting Prep

  • Aimee is chairing
  • Anthony will send Aimee a cheat sheet
  • Shaun asks if we can squeeze in Lisa O to talk about the rally. Aimee suggests at the end. She will see how the time is going. Either towards the end or the beginning of the open comment period.
  • Minnie reminded that we’d like to count in favor, opposed and abstentions for all votes – no opposition from group

Other Actions & Proposals

  • Tiffany – on the board of Wild West Fund – they are moving to a more active-style board so Tiffany will step back. If we have any members who might want to take on a more active role, Tiffany has a list of roles she will share in Slack so that SC can share with any who might be interested.
  • Jackie – 2021 debrief discussion on calendar for 1 week from today. Picture as a less formal thing and more of a free form discussion. I intend to pitch this at the GBM. Anyone else interested in participating? Minnie has expressed interest. Need other facilitators, notetakers, stack monitor, etc. Anthony and Mike volunteer to do notes/timekeeping. Shaun would like to help facilitate. If anyone wants to be involved, just let me know.
  • Aimee – revisit idea of having an SC social or check-in in person. It’s something we should do regularly. We can discuss in slack for a date that works. Anthony suggests a backyard/fire pit.
  • Aimee has been attending national Afroscoc meetings. Possible interest in creating a section locally since the bylaws create a structure for that.
  • Structured organizing conversations training with Anthony next Thursday
  • Jesser – January’s political education – thinking about an intro course for the New Year. Basic concepts. What is capitalism, e.g. Set for 1/25.
  • Shaun – wants to keep connection with mosque, Muslim Dems and NPHR like a social. One of the leaders of Ahmed’s mosque recently passed away. Shaun would like to send our condolences and encourage folks to attend her services.
  • Minnie suggests discussion about Red Deal book club. Aimee suggests February to start and emphasizes importance of indigenous comrades as facilitators. Shaun and Aimee will start on some outreach and see who has availability and schedule for mid to late February for first session
  • Priority updates at the next steering committee meeting
  • Aimee will chair the next SC meeting

Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm