Regular Monthly Meeting

marzo 18, 2021

Agenda link:

Date: March 18th, 2021 @ 6:30pm

Facilitator: Kara H.

Secretary: Ash M.

Location: Zoom

(6:35 PM) Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Kara H.

Community guidelines, Robert’s Rules overview, Zoom etiquette, membership & voting

Kara H. went over community guidelines, membership, and voting procedures.

Adoption of the agenda & approval of previous (February 18th, 2021) minutes

Ash M. motioned to adopt the current agenda. Motioned seconded. Motion passed.

Ash M. motioned to approve the previous meeting minutes. Motion seconded. Motion passed.


Welcome to DSA & Member survey 

Kara H. – Not a political party. Big tent organization. Nation wide. 500 members locally. No people are paid to be here. All work is voluntary, democratically, and member-guided. There are lots of things we wish we could do, but don’t necessarily have the capacity. Please fill out the member survey!

Progressive slate victory

Keenan K. – Slate went 5/5 about 2 weeks ago. Long time in the making. Building infrastructure for organizing progressive, leftist, socialist power. Newly elected officers for the party are here. Role DSA played in the victory.

Judith W. – Thank you for all the support. We couldn’t have done it without you. Been in DSA since our chapter was younger. Trying to convince people of the importance of electoralism, even when it’s frustrating. Going to start electing our own candidates in the near future. This is only the beginning. First step in transformative change in Nevada. DSA issues are important to the people of Nevada. It’s why we’ve been successful. By working together, we will win together.

Keenan K. – Part of showing the establishment that we mean to win is fundraising. We can start by refilling the millions of dollars that the establishment funneled out when they knew that Judith and the progressive slate were going to win. You can donate here:

Jacob A. – First time at a LVDSA meeting, but worked with many of you. We want to see grassroots power within the democratic party. We want to see what a people’s party would look like. Work with Northern Nevada DSA.

Zaffar I. – Dispel the fear of most democrats. Policies that DSA is behind are popular policies. If democrats want to win, they have to adopt these policies. We have an opportunity to lay down the structure here in Nevada.

Ahmad A. – DSA has played the most critical role in this. Everyone recognizes this. Testifies to the power of policy and organizing around policies that make a difference to working class people. Everyone wants to replicate it. It’s doable if they can bring together comrades like what we have here.

Financial transparency resolution

Aimee H. – Resolution to update financial processes. Want to be prepared for terms ending in June and possible shifts in our bylaw. Alex S. motioned to adopt this resolution. Seconded. Alex S. motioned to approve by unanimous consent. Motion did not pass. Moved onto discussion.

Lourdes E. – Spoke in favor of the resolution.

Minnie W. – Spoke in favor of the resolution.

Alex S. – Speaking in favor. Our chapter is getting bigger, we need to update these policies. Especially when leadership turns over. This will be public. Anyone can look at it. More democratic.

Sophia – Would the proposal change how money is being stored?

Aimee H. – Doesn’t change where the money is held.

Lourdes E. – Transparency is the focus. Would ensure that the treasurer job can be fulfilled.

Chris R. – Called the question. Motioned passed with none opposed.

Design contest

Tiffany S. – Renaming blog to Desert Rose and having a design contest. Please participate! Winner will get a free t-shirt.

NVCADP phone bank

Aimee H. – Sign up to phone bank here!


Kristofer D. – Showed a short video. PRO Act will roll back decades of anti-labor law. Critical to rebuilding the labor movement. We need all hands on deck to win this fight. This is a priority for the Green New Deal. Unions across the country support it. Sign up to phone bank here!

Chapter Reports (Written Officer & Committee Reports here)

Educational Segment: Indigenous Power Building

Teresa M. – Presented, reviewing information presented at Indigenous Power Building event this past Saturday. A few builds we need help with. We need to push the Legislature hard immediately for the legislative priorities to build Indigenous power in Nevada. Tuition waiver bills. No treaty rights in Nevada. Land was taken over by Executive Order. Tuition bill social media toolkit. Training on how to organize people.

Travis S. – Our comrades Alvin C and Jackie S worked out some easy copy and paste language for many of the top priority bills to post. Quantity matters more than quality, so we all need to make sure we submit our comments to tank the bills that are harmful to Indigenous communities and support the ones that build power for tribal communities. You can find the copy and paste comments, bill information, and how to go about posting it to your Legislator here. It takes a total of about 15 minutes to send comments on all bills. Let’s get those done after this meeting!

Open comment

Aimee H. – RJ meeting this month is cancelled. We will welcome everyone next month.

Erika B. – NLG. Has a series of teach-ins. Next one is Saturday, April 3rd @2pm on Facebook Live. Will be on Copoganda. Flyer coming out this week.

Alex – Working on a protest in collaboration with NNDSA against Innovation Zones (Company Towns).

B – If you’re interested in joining SRA, please hit B up.

Jackie S. – New Member Orientation coming up this Saturday! Please join us and join DSA!

Ainslee A. – NV Environmental Justice. Boost an event: No Sprawl Nevada! Protesting Clark County Lands Bill. Register here:

(7:46 PM) Adjourn