Regular Meeting

septiembre 13, 2018


  1. Doors Open (6:00)
  2. Call To Order (6:30)
  3. Read Community Guidelines/Explanation of Progressive Stack (1 min)
  4. Meetings: 101 (Dylan – 5 min)
  5. Approval of the Minutes (1 min)
  6. Reports (20 min)
    1. Steering Committee Officer Reports
      1. Chair (Brandon)
      2. Treasurer (Allie)
      3. Education (Mike)
      4. Communication (Jessica)
    2. Subcommittee Report
      1. Fundraising  (James)
      2. Political (Jessica)
      3. Disability Inquiry Group (Dylan)
    3. Member Reports
      1. M4A (James)
      2. Mass Decarceration (Brandon)
  7. Political Education (Mike – 10 min)
  8. Old Business (5 min)
    1. Eco-Socialism (Jake F.)
  9. New Business (15 min)
    1. M4A (James)
      1. Upcoming Letter Writing Campaign/Subcommittee Proposal
    2. Fundraising (James)
      1. Haunted House Proposal
    3. City Group Proposal (Erick)
    4. Brake Light Clinic Proposal (Brandon)
  10. Misc (if time)
  11. Adjourn (7:50 or earlier)

Meeting Minutes

  1. Doors Open
  2. Call To Order
  3. Read Community Guidelines/Explanation of Progressive Stack
  4. Special Guest: Dawn From NOLA DSA discussed her work with and M4A in the South.
  5. Meetings: 101 (Dylan)
    1. Dylan reviewed the proposal/approval process that the chapter has recently adopted as our meeting style.
  6. Approval of the Minutes
  7. Minutes were approved.
  8. Reports
    1. Steering Committee Officer Reports
      1. Chair (Brandon)
        1. Announced updates re: our Field Organizer taking a new job
        2. Announced that we are still searching for a Grievance Officer
        3. Announced how proud he is of the our chapter’s growth.
      2. Treasurer (Allie)
        1. Updates on Venmo status.
      3. Education (Mike)
        1. Discussed preliminary schedule for Book Club.
          1. First Meeting: 7 PM 9/21 @ Transcending the Gender Box
      4. Communication (Jessica)
        1. Discussed her role in the chapter’s social media communications.
        2. Spoke about guidelines around our FB page and Discussion Group.
        3. Discussed adding items to the calendar.
    2. Subcommittee Report
      1. Fundraising (James)
        1. Discussed the one-on-one calls he had with new Fundraising Team
        2. Reminded chapter that there is still time to join the effort.
      2. Political (Jessica)
        1. Discussed her work with
        2. Discussed desire to organize a registration event.
        3. Discussed plans to create a DSA-approved political recommendation/status report for local candidates
        4. Reminded chapter that there is still time to join the effort.
      3. Disability Inquiry Group (Dylan)
        1. Discussed our inability to provide an official disability policy at this time.
        2. Announced the group’s disbandment
    3. Member Reports
      1. M4A (James)
        1. Reported on Meet the Candidates Event.
        2. Discussed one-on-one calls.
        3. Discussed greater need for action.
        4. Reminded chapter that there is still time to join the effort.
      2. Mass Decarceration (Brandon)
        1. Reported on IWOC Demonstration
        2. Announced Brake Light Clinics and other actions
  9. Political Education (Mike)
    1. Passed out interest sheet for committee groups
    2. Discussed the differences between the following terms:
      1. democrat
      2. Democrat
      3. social democracy
      4. Democratic Socialist
    3. A member discussed his views on democratic socialism
  10. Old Business
    1. Eco-Socialism (Jake F.)
      1. Discussed his work on Eco-Socialism
      2. Discussed desire to form actions around ballot questions 3 & 6
      3. A member discussed views on question 3
      4. Jessica proposed to table question 3 until next month
      5. Allie proposed an amendment to move the question 3 initiatives to the political committee
  11. New Business
    1. M4A (James)
      1. Upcoming Letter Writing Campaign/Subcommittee Proposal
        1. Proposal was approved by a chapter vote.
    2. Fundraising (James)
      1. Haunted House Proposal
        1. Discussed idea for an Anti-Capitalist Haunted House
        2. Proposal was approved by a chapter vote.
    3. City Group Proposal (Erick)
      1. Discussed proposal for a working group for members of the urban working class.
      2. Proposed the idea of a transit rider union
      3. Asked for volunteers
        1. Interested Members:
          1. Richard
          2. Derek
          3. Rory
  12. Adjourn