Regular Meeting

noviembre 21, 2019


  1. Doors Open (6:15)
  2. Call to Order (6:30)
  3. Community Guidelines, Membership, & Voting
  4. Adoption of the Agenda and Approval of previous (October 17) Minutes
  5. Officer Reports
    1. Co-Chair – Dylan S.
    2. Co-Chair – James P.
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer – Lourdes E.
    5. Communications – Shaun N.
    6. Education – Richard V.
    7. Grievance Officer – Tamara T.
  6. Subcommittee/Workgroup Reports (6:40)
    1. Medicare for All
      1. New Chair
      2. Winter Drive
      3. Upcoming Health Fair
    2. Immigrant Rights
    3. Electoral
    4. Labor
    5. Agit Prop
  7. Political Education (6:50)
  8. Guest Speaker – Assemblyman Edgar Flores (7:00)
  9. Slack Discussion – James P. (7:30)
  10. Misc/Public Comment (7:50)
  11. Adjourn (8:00)

Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America was held on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the SEIU union hall.

The minutes for the previous chapter meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were approved without correction or amendment.

The co chairs, communications chair, education chair, and grievance officer gave their reports.  Secretary position was vacant – no report given. Treasurer was absent – no report given.

The new Medicare for All chair was announced and a report was given. Committee is planning a community health fair for March and asked for volunteers.  The health fair will provide free health services to the community and will take place within Congressman Steven Horsford’s congressional district.

The Immigrant Rights committee chair gave his report and announced that the committee has been working closely with Arriba Workers Center and plans on launching a fundraiser to help fund those initiatives.

The Electoral committee chair gave his report and announced that he would be stepping down.  Those interested in taking over the leadership for that committee were urged to get involved.  The committee has been running caucus trainings every weekend out of the Leftist Garage and plans on canvassing for Bernie Sanders in the near future.

The Labor committee chair gave his report and announced that the committee is currently on hiatus.

The Agit Prop subcommittee chair was absent – no report given.

A short video on Mondragon was shown during the Political Education segment.

Guest speaker, Assemblyman Edgar Flores, joined the meeting to discuss law and immigration reform.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.