Regular Meeting

julio 18, 2019


  1. Doors Open (6:15)
  2. Call to Order (6:30)
  3. Community Guidelines, Membership and Voting
  4. Adoption of the Agenda and Approval of Previous (June 20) Minutes
  5. Officer Reports (10 min)
    1. Chair – Dylan Small
    2. Vice Chair – James Patterson
    3. Secretary – Thomas Kaiser
    4. Treasurer – Lourdes Esparza
    5. Communications – Shaun Navarro
    6. Education – Richard Vogel
  6. Old Business
    1. 2nd Vote on changes to the chapter bylaws.
  7. Guest Speaker – Michael Weiss (10 min)
  8. National Convention Discussion (25 min)
    1. NPC Elections
    2. Resolutions
  9. Education Segment (10 min)
  10. Misc.
  11. Subcommittee Breakout (25 min)
  12. Subcommittee Reports (5 min)
  13. Adjourn (8:00)

Meeting Minutes

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America was held on Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the SEIU union hall.

The Minutes for the previous chapter meeting and the Agenda for the current meeting were approved without correction or amendment.

The vice chair, secretary, and treasurer gave their reports.

The vice chair gave the education chair report and announced the next Socialist Night School to be held Saturday, August 10 at 6:30 at the Happy Earth Market.

The bylaws amendments which passed the first round of voted during the last meeting passed their second and final round after a motion to pass was put forward by Tamara and seconded. The motion passed without opposition with 14 for, 0 against.

The chair and communications chair gave their reports with the communications chair detailing a chapter appearance on Vice News, a co sponsored Lights For Liberty rally, and the forthcoming chapter website.

A motion was put forward by Lourdes to form an immigrant rights subcommittee with Shaun Navarro as chair and seconded. It passed with 15 for, 0 against. The founding membership was Shaun Navarro, Tamara Taylor, Gary Hall, Lourdes Esparza, Jack Hewitt, Joe Sedlak, Andrew Lin, James Patterson, Adam Turl, Drew Barkoff, and Tish Markley.

A guest speaker, Michael Weiss, spoke and answered questions about the state and county democratic caucuses, ending at 7:05.

Keenan Korth and the rest of the national convention delegates discussed the structure and possibilities for chapter representation at the national convention.

Kristofer motioned, with second, that the delegates to the national convention put together an electronic survey for the members to provide input on how the delegates should vote at the convention within 72 hours. It passed 10 for, 1 against.

After further discussion Gary motioned, with second, that each delegate should, after attempting to come to consensus with the other delegates, vote individually with their conscience after obtaining input from the chapter. The motion passed 11 for, 1 opposed.

The remaining agenda items prior to adjournment were converted without opposition to an introduction and chapter discussion of the new immigrant rights subcommittee.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.