Regular Meeting

enero 17, 2019


  1. Doors Open (6:00)
  2. Call To Order (6:15)
  3. Read Community Guidelines/Explanation of Progressive Stack (1 min)
  4. Approval of the Minutes (1 min)
  5. Reports (15 min)
    1. Steering Committee Officer Reports
      1. Chair (Brandon)
      2. Vice Chair (Dylan)
      3. Treasurer (Allie)
      4. Education (Mike)
      5. Communication (Jessica)
    2. Subcommittee Reports
      1. Fundraising  (Tamara)
      2. Medicare For All (James)
      3. Eco-Socialism (Jake)
  6. New Business (10 min)
  7. Training: Building a Healthy Working-Class Organization – Part II (60 min)
    1. Review: Mass Socialist Organizing
    2. Anatomy of a Mass Organization
    3. Socialist Program and Strategy
  8. Adjourn (7:45 or earlier)

Meeting Minutes

Doors Open (6:00 PM)

  1. Call To Order (6:42 PM)
  2. Read Community Guidelines/Explanation of Progressive Stack
  3. Approval of the Minutes
    1. Minutes from LVDSA’s December 2018 chapter meeting were approved. None opposed.
  4. Reports
    1. Steering Committee Officer Reports
      1. Chair (Brandon)
        1. Brandon announced his resignation as Chair of the chapter.
      2. Vice Chair (Dylan)
        1. Dylan, now interim Chair, introduced himself to the group and thanked Brandon for his service to the chapter.
      3. Treasurer (Dylan)
        1. In the treasurer’s absence, Dylan reported that we are still working on becoming incorporated.
      4. Education (Mike)
        1. No report. Skipped to provide time for training.
      5. Communication (Jessica)
        1. Jessica reported more positive news in regards to the chapter’s Communications team. We have continued to see an upward trend in participation and people are becoming more engaged. Jessica also spoke of concerns regarding fraudulent online fundraising scams.
    2. Subcommittee Reports
      1. Fundraising (Tamara)
        1. Tamara discussed upcoming plans for “small” fundraising efforts like a back-to-school bake sales at UNLV.
      2. Medicare For All (James)
        1. James discussed the committee’s new monthly meetings, as well as the upcoming barnstorm that is being planned.
      3. Eco-Socialism (Jake)
        1. Jake discussed the committee’s monthly meetings and how the group is currently working on forming their own bylaws and mission statement. The EcoSoc group is also looking into possible direct action opportunities for local clean-ups due to the government shutdown.
  5. New Business
    1. No new business was discussed.
  6. Training: Building a Healthy Working-Class Organization – Part II (60 min)
    1. Review: Mass Socialist Organizing
    2. Anatomy of a Mass Organization
    3. Socialist Program and Strategy
  7. Adjourn (8 PM)