November 21 – Steering Committee

noviembre 21, 2022

Steering Committee Meeting

November 21, 2022 @ 7:00pm


7:00 Call to Order

Sign in link distributed

Review Steering Committee meeting rules

Adoption of agenda

Adoption of 10/31/2022 Meeting Minutes

Review of previous action items

Link to make a motion

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report (EZ)

Holiday Solidarity

Recap and brief reflection of November’s Holiday Solidarity, and looking ahead to December’s

General Body Meeting Preparation

Discuss roles, equipment, and agenda

Member Engagement

Determine what is needed to get consistent and updated New Member Orientations, and grow the member engagement working group


Identify how we can grow the communications working group and increase consistency

Supporting Existing Priorities

Identify what support we can provide to help priorities gain momentum

Schedule Next SC Meetings
9:00 Adjourn


Meeting Minutes

Chair: Anthony L.

Secretary: Anthony taking notes on behalf of Sarah


  1. Call to order at 7:04pm
  2. Agenda adopted unanimously
  3. Minutes from 10/31 adopted unanimously
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Our storage unit came due for another payment for the next 6 months, that was paid today
    2. We seem to have broken even on Hol Sol, although some reimbursements are pending
    3. We still have shirts left over that we can sell
  5. Holiday Solidarity
    1. Shaun expressed that it felt smooth, thanks to Aimee, Justin, and Rahman and others who contributed; we still have a problem with having enough for the volunteers to do; it helped integrate LVDSA and the mosque into the community
    2. Aimee believes it went nicely, everyone at the mosque was thrilled and appreciated our presence; the few problems we encountered were somewhat typical and we can try to prevent them next time
    3. Anthony feels that it went great, was very impressed by Rose Ann coordinating the hot food distribution, seemed as though many people enjoyed being there and contributing
    4. Sarah expressed that she felt it went well
    5. Things for next time:
      1. Aimee –  we need to put the gift cards in envelopes and staple them into bags; the cider bottles need to be more secure; we need someone who is going to be very careful and detailed with the delivery pods before they go out
      2. Anthony – although Quentin was very warm and welcoming, I would like us to consider if we continue to have hosts, and should require those hosts to be members
      3. Shaun – Agrees, hosts can help us connect with specific communities; suggests that we ask Victoria Flores, Mercedes K (lapsed member), Athar A (not currently a member), Taylor P, Leslie T (not a member), Laura M (not a member), 
      4. Lorenzita – Offers themselves to be considered host of the next Holiday Solidarity, suggests that they can pull more engagement from the AAPI community
      5. Group agrees to allow the Mutual Aid group decide the host, as long as they host is a member (or agrees to become a member)
    6. Venues
      1. Anthony talked to Justin and Rahman, they expressed that they liked the idea of New Orleans Square (if we can get the landlord to agree), but had concerns with moving food up and down the stairs/elevator
      2. Anthony spoke to Gabbi, he will have a phone call on Tuesday with an audio person that she recommends and they will discuss venues and live music options
        1. Lorenzita and Aimee will join that call
        2. Lorenzita suggests asking a partner to cover the costs of a band
      3. Aimee suggests Starboard Tac
    7. Shaun expressed a few groups that he feels confident that he can approach for money, and will be our partner coordinator for the next event
  6. GBM Prep
    1. We are confirmed for the Nunnery for December 1st
    2. Guest speakers and topics
      1. Erika B. is doing a know-your-rights training
      2. We will approach the Sisters about speaking about their AIDS treatment assistance program again
      3. Aimee suggests a topic related to capitalism around the holidays
        1. Anthony feels that our members probably understand the commercialization of Christmas
        2. Aimee clarifies that they mean something that happened around the holiday season that gets overlooked
        3. Sean will do a history presentation of some kind
      4. Shaun suggests an update on the Avi Kwame monument because there was a recent public meeting
      5. Lorenzita suggests doing a presentation on our legislature, but probably better suited for January
  7. Member Engagement
    1. Skyler recently did two new member orientation 1:1s, and found that our script and slideshow are outdated; they want to recruit a few people to assist with the ME working group, and will get the next NMO on the calendar
    2. Skyler spoke to Rahima regarding the potential family movie night, Skyler will be taking the lead on planning that going forward, 
    3. There’s interest in a meet up at a dog park in the future
    4. Skyler wants to make sure there’s a mechanism for SC to be aware of socials as they are planned, there’s been some gaps in communications lately; also want to ensure that there’s significant time to advertise socials
    5. Roy reiterates that getting as much time ahead of socials as possible is beneficial for turnout, and for comms to make graphics, and for internal notification
    6. Ideas for future socials:
      1. Avoid bars being our only option
      2. Boba shop meetup
      3. Go to an Elevated Undergrounds show
      4. Madhouse coffee
      5. Record store meetup
  8. Communications
    1. Roy points out that in the previous term there was a rotation for social media, and suggests returning to that if there wasn’t a problem with it
    2. Natasha says that sounds good
      1. Anthony will provide them access
    3. For graphics, Anthony suggests doing a direct ask to Chris P and Rahima, and then Natasha can do a shoutout at the GBM for others
    4. Aimee suggests that the Young Progressives Club may be able to assist with socials and graphics
    5. Anthony asks if we should return to a weekly Events email, but several SC members feel that we should send these biweekly at most
    6. Skyler suggests that in 1-2 months we have a member phonebank to get members involved in specific working groups and priority actions
  9. Supporting our existing priorities
    1. Anthony asks if there are ways that we can be supporting our priorities better
    2. Skyler says Desert Power needs a more specific strategy on what we’re trying to achieve
    3. Anthony says that Amy Z is coming to town for December Hol Sol weekend and specifically asked if she could to have a 1:1 with our active members and up-and-coming leaders
      1. Stewards, active members of SocFem and mutual aid working groups
    4. Aimee points out that some stewards would benefit from reminders that they are doing their work well, they get into their head sometimes, and we can help them feel better and provide connection and support
  10. Scheduling next SC meetings
    1. Anthony suggests Dec 5th and 19th
      1. Sean and Lorenzita will be out the 5th, but others are not opposed to those dates, we will meet those dates
  11. Open comment
    1. Lorenzita suggests a coffee social at Mad House that is a practice for 1:1s, asks for suggestions for dates in January
      1. Anthony says Sundays and Saturdays may be good, Sean agrees
      2. Members have reported problems with this location possibly being anti-trans, other sites may need to be considered
  12. Adjourned 8:49

Action Items

Item Assigned To
Put MA meeting on calendar Roy ✅
Provide payment to the Nunnery Aimee 
Set up GBM meeting on calendar Roy ✅
Ask the Sisters if they can present at GBM Anthony ✅
Prep Shaun to chair meeting Anthony ✅
Schedule next NMO and inform Roy Skyler
Schedule family movie night Skyler
Do a callout in the Comms channel, and YPC Anthony ✅
Send Zoom invite to Aimee and Lorenzita for call with audio technician Anthony ✅
Support Casey in advertising the Dec. 4th naloxone training Shaun
Put SC meetings on Dec 5th and 19th Roy ✅