General Body Meeting

enero 6, 2022

General Body Meeting


All times are approximate

7:05 Call to Order

Sign in

Community Agreements review

Adoption of agenda [January agenda]

Approval of the December minutes

Land Acknowledgement

Action: Help attain federal recognition for the Duwamish Tribe!

7:10 Treasurer’s Report
7:15 Coalition Corner
7:20 National DSA (NCWWC Letter Sign-on)
7:25 Steering Committee Vote Tracker
7:35 Steering Committee Special Election
7:45 HGO Recruitment
7:55 Social Media Working Group
8:05 Mutual & Community Aid Priority Update 
8:10 Housing Justice Priority Update
8:15 Electoral Priority Update
8:20 Upcoming Events
8:25 Open Comment Period
8:30 Adjourn


Meeting Minutes

Chair: Amy H

Notetaker:  Anthony L

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:11pm with quorum
  2. Welcome
    1. Community agreements reviewed
    2. Erika B. motions to adopt agenda, Trinity T. seconds, agenda adopted with no opposition
    3. Erika B. motions to adopt December meeting minutes, Jackie H. seconds, December meeting minutes adopted with no opposition
    4. Land acknowledgement provided by Trinity T.
      1. Action: Help attain federal recognition for the Duwamish Tribe!
    5. Treasurer’s Report provided by Aimee H.
      1. Still calculating some December Holiday Solidarity numbers, awaiting some payments to come through so we don’t have final counts but we anticipate that we will have some surplus funds
      2. General Fund: $2881.78
      3. Stripe: $616
      4. Email for any questions
  3. Coalition Corner – presented by Shaun N.
    1. Shoutout to Muslim Dem Caucus, especially Rahman and Farrah, for assistance with December’s Holiday Solidarity
    2. Today is Dio de Los Reyes, a Latinx holiday, and we’re going to be co-sponsoring an upcoming Dio de Los Reyes toy drive on Saturday January 15th
      1. Members can contact Shaun for information on donating toys
  4. National DSA (NCWWC Letter Sign-on)
    1. Minnie W. motions to have Las Vegas DSA sign on to this DSA International Committee letter as an organization, in order to call for no cold war with China as the US continues escalation, motion seconded by Trinity T.
    2. Mike Y. speaks in favor, points to the US industrial complex poisoning water in Hawaii
    3. Charles P. speaks opposed, believes that a statement about January 6th insurrection is more critical and this statement takes away from that, calls to especially call out domestic white supremacy
    4. Sheen K. speaks in favor, as an anti-imperialist Korean woman, believes that opposing the US imperialism is in fact opposing fascism
    5. Jared H. speaks opposed, clarifies that he opposes US imperialism, but finds issue with the bill itself with language around technology, also calls China a somewhat authoritarian state
    6. Gordon B. speaks in favor, clarifies this is not a motion to condemn the entire bill, but instead to condemn heightened aggression towards China
    7. No third speaker opposed
    8. 44 in favor, 2 opposed, 14 abstain, motion passes
  5. Steering Committee Vote Tracker – presented by Tiffany S.
    1. Bylaws say we need to track SC votes, but not in how much detail
    2. Tiffany has created a vote tracker that has been implemented last month which shows what votes each SC member takes, and this will be pinned to the Slack for viewing
    3. Tiffany is also working on building a member portal where this will be accessible
    4. This should help members make more informed decisions about their SC members and provide more transparency around our decisions
  6. Special Election Info
    1. Following Alvin C. resignation from the Steering Committee, we will be holding a special election to fill the position
    2. Nominations will be accepted now through 8pm Thursday January 13th, members needs to receive 5 nominations and nominate themselves (to accept the nomination)
    3. Election planned for next month General Meeting
  7. Call for additional Harassment and Grievance Officer
    1. Travis S. has stepped down from role as HGO, SC will be seeking to appoint a new HGO
    2. Fill out this interest form –
    3. HGOs assist with conflict and correcting member behaviors, working with a team of other HGOs (Tamara T. and Ahmad A.), reach out to Anthony L. or an HGO for any questions
  8. Social Media Working Group
    1. Mike Y. calls for individuals to join the social media working group which will help us have regular posts and writing, especially those that help educate the public, as well as work on a social media policy for the code of conduct, interested parties
    2. Fill this out if you’re interested:
    3. Thomas W. asks if the Social Media Slack channel can be made public instead of private
      1. Mike sees values in this, will look into it and follow up
      2. Anthony says the channel was private from the last Executive Committee, but is in favor of it being public
    4. Brandon B. is in favor of the group, would like to see more people helping with messaging and social media
    5. Aaron R. asks about what skills are being sought
      1. Mike responds that we are looking for help with graphics, writing about socialism, writing about local topics, and joining the translation team
  9. Mutual & Community Aid Priority Update – presented by Brendan B.
    1. Over 1,200 people were fed from Holiday Solidarity meals in December, and we collaborated with many partners, thanks the members who assisted and made it successful
    2. A Brake Light Clinic is coming up on January 29th, we are seeking a time and location
      1. Rahman says in the chat that Masjid Tawheed also does brake light clinics, we should collab
    3. Started HenderShare events, similar to Sunday Solidarity, on the 4th Tuesday of each month, with the Friends in the Desert Foundation, with about 45 people receiving aid last month
    4. Shaun reminds the group about Sunday Solidarity taking please on the last Sunday of every month, in December we had a huge turnout of about 50 people who received aid, with the event growing we need more items donated and more members to come assist, we especially need blankets and warm items and tents
    5. Next Community Aid Meeting –
    6. Aimee adds that Mutual Aid is still taking requests and offers for aid
      1. Form –
  10. Housing Justice Priority Update – Angel L. & Sarah L.
    1. New stewards – Phil M., Sarah L., Claire V.
      1. Phil and Angel focusing on organizing, Sarah and Claire focusing on research
    2. Biweekly meeting occur every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 7-8pm, with weekly updates in Slack
    3. Biweekly research sessions every other Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm
    4. Had a meeting with East Bay DSA about TANK, a tenant organizing group, and applying those lessons to our organizing
    5. Have had success organizing in some specific communities and will be focusing efforts on them
    6. Canvas coming up on the 15th –
  11. Electoral Priority Update – written by Roy Z, presented by Anthony L.
  12. Upcoming Events
    1. Virtual 2021 Debrief – Jan 7
    2. National DSA for Medicare For All Launch – Jan 10
    3. Housing Justice meeting – Jan 11
    4. Mutual Aid meeting – Jan 11
    5. Community Aid meeting – Jan 12
    6. Structured Organizing Conversations Training – Jan 13
    7. Member Engagement Working Group meeting – Jan 20
  13. Other Comments & Announcements
    1. Jackie S. calls on members to join the Member Engagement Working Group, to assist with engaging members with work and planning social events
    2. Lisa O. tells the group about an upcoming rally to call on NV Energy to provide more rooftop and parking lot solar for public utilities
      1. Jan 13th, signmaking at 11am, walking at 1pm, 6266 W. Sahara
    3. Sheen K. talks about undergraduate student organizing, and at Dartmouth some of the student workers have declared their intent to unionize, Sheen asks to share a letter in support
    4. Shaun N. points out that Solidarity Fridge has a new Twitter account
      2. Lorenzita adds that they are in need of food goods, the items are used very quickly, especially water and produce
  14. Meeting adjourned at 8:37pm