The Socialist Legacy of Black Feminism – Week 2

el martes 23 de febrero @ 5:00 PM

The National Political Education Committee is hosting a two-week reading group, the Socialist Legacy of Black Feminism, with Lux Magazine and the DSA AfroSocialist and Socialists of Color Caucus. Please use the Zoom invitation in your confirmation email to sign up for one or both of the weeks.

Since slavery, Black feminist scholars and activists have articulated a socialist vision for ending systemic oppression. Black feminism recognizes how all systems of oppression are inextricably linked while maintaining the unique circumstances of anti-blackness, misogynoir, and class oppression. Understanding this theoretical framework is essential for those interested in developing strategies to end all forms of exploitation. To quote What is to Be Done? “Working-class consciousness cannot be genuine political consciousness unless the workers are trained to respond to all cases of tyranny, oppression, violence, and abuse, no matter what class is affected.”

In this reading group, we will discuss the core tenets of Black feminist thought – the connections between race, class, gender, intersectionality, all to coincide with Black history month.

View the complete reading list here →