DSA Organizing Call on Afghanistan

el sábado 21 de agosto @ 9:00 AM

Open to all DSA Members!

Join DSA’s International Committee this Saturday, August 21st at 9AM PST for an urgent organizing call on Afghanistan. Join us to learn more about the unfolding crisis in Afghanistan, as well as ways to organize in solidarity with Afghans and against U.S. war and imperialism.

We are honored to welcome:
• Zaher Wahab, Professor Emeritus at Lewis & Clark College
• Taimur Rahman, General Secretary of Mazdoor Kisan Party and Associate Professor at Lahore University of Management Science
• May Jeong, investigative journalist at Vanity Fair with pieces in the New York Times, The Intercept, and more
• Organizers from DSA International Committee

Read our statement on Afghanistan here: https://dsaic.org/afghanistan-statement