Anti-Racist Movements in Brazil: Activist Series

el viernes 23 de abril @ 4:00 PM

Around the world, Black-led movements are raising the stakes in our collective struggles. This discussion series with leading Black and Indigenous militants from across Brazil spotlights their experiences in organizing against state violence, workplace exploitation, and structural racism everywhere from education to healthcare.

Today’s movements facing neo-fascism, militarization, and an unprecedented public health crisis stand on the shoulders of past generations of Black and Indigenous struggle. Speakers will address the long-term objectives of their movements and how socialists in the US can support comrades leading these struggles.

This is a series, running every Friday 7 – 8 pm (New York), 8- 9 pm (São Paulo) until May 7.

This week we are hearing from Ana Patté- a member of the Xokleng people and a militant of indigenous movements. She is a coordinator of APIB (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil), a leader of Arpin SUL (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of the South), and parliamentary advisor to the legislative assembly of São Paulo.

We will be discussing territorial rights, state violence, public health, and ecosocialism.

Moderated by Andrea Sempertegui, Ecuadorian sociologist and activist.