General Body Meeting

el jueves 7 de septiembre @ 7:00 PM

General body meetings engage in business to further our chapter’s priorities and advance the interests of Las Vegas DSA. This month’s meeting will include:

📝 A report back on DSA’s national convention from our chapter delegation

🎉 Guest speakers from the newly elected NPC

✊ How to support CCEA teachers in their contract fight against the school district

🌹 A group discussion on the future of DSA. We will use this article as a jumping off point, but you can participate in the discussion without reading the article.

️⚡️ Updates from campaigns and working groups

🗳️ Voting on a chapter business.

Only members are eligible to vote. If you’re not yet a dues-paying member, you can join here. If you are unable to pay dues to financial hardship, there is a dues waiver form you can fill out.

If you cannot make the meeting, you can email at least 48 hours before the meeting to request an absentee ballot.
