Oct 31 2022 SC

octubre 31, 2022

Oct 31 2022 SC

Steering Committee Meeting

October 31, 2022 @ 7:00pm


7:00 Call to Order

Sign in link distributed

Review Steering Committee meeting rules

Adoption of agenda

Adoption of 10/17/2022 Meeting Minutes

Review of previous action items

Link to make a motion

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report (EZ)

General Body Meeting Roles

Discuss roles and equipment that needs to be brought to the meeting

Merch Order

Identify what support we need to provide in order to have an order ready to submit by November 7th

Portfolio Updates

SC members provide an update on their portfolio and list any needs they may have from others

9:00 Adjourn


Meeting Minutes

Chair: Anthony L.

Secretary: Anthony taking notes on behalf of Sarah


  1. Call to order at 7:05pm
  2. Agenda adopted unanimously
  3. Meeting minutes from 10/17 adopted
  4. No Treasurer’s report, will be provided when Treasurer is available
    1. Received our quarterly disbursement from national, otherwise no notable changes
  5. GBM confirmed at East Las Community Center, space is open 6:30pm, we have to leave by 8:30pm
    1. Anthony will make sure that we have the equipment for 
    2. Anthony proposes that for the discussion piece we do breakouts of roughly 8 people, then come back together for a share-out
      1. Virtual facilitators – Skyler, 
      2. In-person facilitators – Anthony, Sean, and Sarah if needed
  6. Merch order for Hol Sol shirts
    1. There will be a volunteer signup that will collect shirt sizes through Nov.7
    2. Order will be submitted by Aimee on Nov. 8 to Artkore (Aimee will confirm if this date works for Artkore)
    3. Aimee will also ask what it would cost to add a logo onto existing shirts
    4. Group agrees to giveaway existing shirts as well in order to subsidize the costs
    5. Will ask Chris P if he could work on a design, otherwise will use the one that Anthony posted in the social-random channel
  7. Portfolio updates
    1. Sean – Imperialism Night School went moderately well; also did a reading group on “Consequences of Full Employment”; is finalizing a date on November’s night school; is considering a social night in December that is a family-friendly, possibly to watch Chicken Run
    2. Sarah – Has not yet stepped in to the Secretary duties yet due to some challenges getting access to the email and then going into town, she will be meeting with Aimee in the coming days to discuss the email monitoring procedures; will talk to Anthony about setting up a routine; will talk to Aimee about getting access to bank accounts
    3. Roy – Reviewed memberlist data in Action Network for duplicates and unwanted info, but found no info that looked problematic
    4. Lorenzita – No updates or plans as of now, capacity will go up after election season
    5. Skyler – No updates or plans as of now, capacity will go up after election season; has been working to help Desert Power events get on the calendar
    6. Shaun – No update
    7. Anthony – reviewed names that Roy sent him of new members, nothing alarming to report; got a venue for the GBM, put together an agenda, sent email; covered a bit of comms while Natasha tended to a personal matter
  8. Meeting adjourned 7:43pm

Action Items

Item Assigned To
Ask Tiffany, Kara, and Poli Ed if they could facilitate a breakout at GBM Anthony
Determine what the cutoff is for “rush order” from Artkore Aimee
Check about a shirt design w/Chris Payne and Rahman Anthony